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  • Dedicated to You

Author's Note:

The dedication of this chapter is split in four ways:

To Maci, for being a lovely friend

To Jacob, for making me believe in myself when I didn't,

To Brianna, in the hopes that she will finish reading Goblet of Fire soon, and be able to read this like she has wanted to,

and to you, if you believed in Cedric, and will remember him until the very end.

As I lay here in my bed at 2:00 in the morning, having just finished the ending to this chapter, I find myself happy. I have been dreading the end of this story, but I feel really good about it. I have enjoyed writing every single chapter of it, and it has truly been a pleasure to post it. Here I am, just a young girl who had a simple idea, and it grew and grew, and now I almost have 12,000 reads. I am continually astonished at the love I receive, and I only hope you will all stick with me in the sequel, and whatever I might post in the future. I really hope you enjoy this last chapter. Please read it slowly, for that was how it was written, and reading it quickly will not do it justice.

Thank you all for being the best fans I could ask for. Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan for details on the sequel.

Love, Meghan (VivaLaPotter)


I wake up with my game face on. I think I fell asleep looking like that; what little sleep I had gotten. Today is the day. The day that means everything and nothing at all. To most, it is simply a day; but as for me, this day determines my tomorrow.

I'll get to see my parents today, and they'll tell me how proud they are of me, and how much I've grown, and what a strong man I've become. On any other day, I would roll my eyes, as those are the things that nearly every parent tells their child when they have not seen them in a while.

Today is different. Today...I feel like I need to hear those things. I need to be reassured, no matter how many times I tell myself, that I am prepared. I can't wait to feel their warm embraces, and hear my father's sobbing joy. In fear, one seeks jubilation.

I dress myself slowly, as if it is the last time I will ever do it. I do not know what I will do after this Tournament is over. It almost seems like a part of me will be gone along with it.

No matter how many times I retie my tie, it does not change its appearance, and I know I cannot procrastinate any longer. I want to see Meghan before I go to the Great Hall to greet my family. She will be spending the afternoon with us, of course, but I want a chance to see her alone.

I turn toward the door, but my knees go weak. I collapse on the ground. 

Why am I so weak? I'm vulnerable, that's what I am, and I'm afraid. How can I be afraid? I've fought against a dragon and swam through a lake of merpeople, rescuing the most important thing to me. This is the last task, it is all going to be over after this. I can't afford to be afraid, I don't have time. Everything is going to be fine.

"Relax, Cedric," I tell myself, standing up, using the wall for support. I sniffle as I let go of the wall. I can't be crying. I just can't be.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now