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Author's Note: I failed big time..Cedric is in his Sixth year during the Goblet of Fire, but I stated that he is in his Seventh year. I kind of need for him to be in his Seventh year though, so just go with it if you can :) [I thought he was in his Seventh year since he was of age already] My second fail is that Dobby did not come to Hogwarts until November. I'm really sorry for that, I hope you'll forgive me. Thanks guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sadly we must return to Meghan's POV but don't worry, we've got lots of interesting POV's coming up. (Including, but not limited to Cedric, Fred, more Maci, and possibly one of the trio) I've wasted enough time writing this author's note so I'll stop now. Enjoy! :)

Meghan's POV

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I slept a beautiful, dreamless sleep. It felt good waking up. The cold of the new month didn't even bother me as I slipped out of my bed and got dressed.

The common room was full of tired and grouchy people. The party lasted well into the morning and no one had gotten much sleep. Everyone was laying around talking in hoarse voices. Cedric was there too, still beaming. He caught a glimpse of me walking down the stairs and smiled even bigger. He waved and gestured for me to come to him. I grinned in return and took a seat on the couch next to him. He resumed his conversation with Summers without saying a word to me. Summers eyed me and laughed slightly.

"I'll..be going now," he said to Cedric. He walked away laughing much louder.

"Sorry 'bout him," said Cedric, finally turning to look at me.

I laughed warmly, "That's Summers for you." I cleared my throat and spoke again hesitantly, "Do you want to-" But Cedric finished my sentence.

"Go to breakfast now?"

I nodded shyly.

"I'd love to," he whispered, so that only I could hear.

Cedric stood up and held out his hand. I took it without hesitation, and he helped me up. To my pleasurable surprise, he didn't let go, and we walked, hand-in-hand to breakfast.

To be honest, it was a little confusing, but wonderful nonetheless. I felt safe and comfortable with our hands entwined together. It felt like it had the night before; that our hands fit perfectly together. In the Great Hall, Cedric reluctantly had to shake a lot of hands. Many people wanted to congratulate him. After doing so, they would shoot glares over at the Gryffindor table. I exchanged a compassionate glance with Hermione before sitting next to Cedric.

Such little conversing had passed between the two of us, it was quite awkward to think about. It seemed as though I was always the one to start them, too. Did he even feel like making an effort to get to know me? That's the trouble. People always seem to think they know me, but they don't.

It appeared that it was up to me, once again, to start the conversation. I had to get somewhere with him. I needed him to be comfortable around me and open up.

"Er, do you want to start training tonight?" I asked hesitantly. It took him a moment to figure out what I was talking about. It was the longest moment of my life. When you're uncomfortable enough as it is, it doesn't help to be stared at while the other person comprehends what you mean.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, finally remembering. "Yeah! That sounds great! I'll ask Sprout where we can practice."

I hope I don't sound too pushy. Does he really want my help? It seems to be the case, but is he just too polite to say no?

My train of thoughts was interrupted. Apparently I was avidly distracted, looking at nothing in particular.

"-Meghan?" Cedric spoke hesitantly. I snapped back to earth and turned to him.

"I've got to get to class," he said, sounding disappointed. "But I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay," I said, smiling. "I can't wait!"

I lost count of how many mental notes I had made to slap myself.

Cedric once again did not think it was stupid. Instead, he whispered sincerely, "Neither can I."

His eyes smiled, gazing into mine momentarily before scurrying off to class. It wasn't until he had left that I remembered I had a friend named Maci.

She was sitting a short distance away from me, irritably poking her eggs with her fork. For some reason, she kept glancing over at the Gryffindor table.

I got up and walked over to where she was sitting. I sat right next to her, but she didn't look at me.

"Hi," I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

"Hello," she replied, taking a bite of toast.

"How's Hogwarts?" I asked sarcastically.

She laughed an unquestionably fake laugh. "Hogwarts is great," she said, sighing.

I wasn't sure if I actually believed her. Something was up, but she wasn't telling me. Oh well, she can tell me when she wants to. I won't interrogate her privacy. I wouldn't want her to interrogate mine.

"Hey listen-" I said nervously.

"It's alright," she said in an annoyed voice. "We can cancel our plans for tonight. I've got another engagement to go to as well."

I was glad she understood I wouldn't be able to study with her, but it was pitiful that she had to lie her way out of it. I'm her best mate, she doesn't have to make up a fake engagement to make me feel better.

"Great!" I said, even though I knew that this engagement did not exist.

We sat there in silence for a few moments. It was the first time where we did not have a million things to say to each other. It felt weird. It was hurting me as I wondered what was going on with our friendship.

"Well," she said, standing up, "gotta go-Arithmancy."

"Yeah, I should get going to Care of Magical Creatures as well," I replied, also standing up.

We walked out of the Great Hall together without speaking. The tension between us was now on the verge of driving me mad.

We separated and I headed down the hill towards Professor Hagrid's hut. Very few students in my year still took Care of Magical Creatures, but in all honesty, it was my favorite class.

We finished a few minutes early, and I stayed behind. I decided to ask Professor Hagrid about the first task. I was one of his favorite students, perhaps he would consider telling me just a little bit about it.

"Professor Hagrid?" I asked, walking towards him.

"Yes, Miss Grant?" he replied, peering down at me.

"Fantasic lesson, Professor! Cyclops - fascinating creatures indeed!" I praised him. "Also," I added, looking downwards, "I was wondering, only wondering if you happened to know what the-the first task of the Triwizard Tournament is?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm ''fraid I can't tell yer, Miss Grant," he said. "Nice try though," he added kindly.

"It was worth a shot," I admitted. "Thank you Professor." I turned around to head to Herbology.

"In all honesty, Professor," I called, turning back around, "I loved the lesson."

Professor Hagrid beamed. "Glad ter hear it!"

I waved and ran to the greenhouses so I would not be tardy. The wind blew furiously against my face, blowing my blonde hair behind me as I ran.

Author's Note: I'm sorry if this chapter is kind of short. I just needed to end it. The MeghanxCedric training session will be told from Cedric's POV so i needed this chapter to end. Hope you enjoyed it anyway :) This chapter is dedicated to InLuvWithRonWeasly, for being a wonderful inspiration, amazing friend, and leaving me the most amazing comment on the last chapter! :')

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