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Meghan's POV

"Don't look now but he's sitting with Ho..I mean Cho," said Payton. We were in the Great Hall. She sat opposite me and was in view of the Ravenclaw table. Maci was on my left.

"Honestly, Payton, I'm fine," I lied. "I don't need you to tell me what he's doing 24/7. Let's stop talking about me, I'm growing bored of it. How are things going with Fred and George?"

"Peachy," said Payton with a grin.

"Amazing," said Maci, sighing.

"But Georgie said he had something to tell me," said Payton, scrunching her nose in thought.

"Oh no," muttered Maci. She looked down at her plate and suddenly became very interested in her pork.

"What is it?" I said hesitantly.

"It's just that.." said Maci. Payton stared at her, wide-eyed.

"What is it?" said Payton sternly.

"Er, Fred said he needed to talk to me, too and I was just-" muttered Maci, avoiding Payton's bulging eyes. "-It's stupid, I don't think I'm right but-"

"But what?" said Payton, starting to look worried. I knew this was not going to end up well.

"Well," said Maci in a small voice, twirling her long auburn hair. "I think it's a bit odd that they want to 'talk' with us. That's not usually a good sign.."

Payton swore so loudly that the Slytherins behind us turned to stare at her.

"Great," said Payton, "now we can all lay in bed all day moaning-"

"Hey!" I exclaimed, but could not stop myself from bursting out in a fit of laughter. "I do do that, don't I?"

"Well, not always," said Maci loyally.

"Yeah just about 99.9% of the time," said Payton.

"Well now let's not jump to conclusions," I said, but I was having a hard time convincing myself.

"I guess we'll find out," said Maci, messing with her pork some more. "When's George talking to you?"

"Tonight," said Payton quietly.

Now it was Maci's turn to be stared at by the Slytherins.

"It's over," said Maci, shaking her head. Payton rested her chin on the table and looked up at me.

"Megs let's talk about you again," she said. I laughed but stopped at the sight of her solemn face.

"Alright, might as well go ahead and get it over with before it's all about you two," I joked, but they took me seriously. "What's the traitor doing with Ho right now?"

"They are having a heated discussion," said Payton, peering over my shoulder. "Cedric's smiling. Ho seems to be explaining something..." she then turned her head away really quickly. "The Ho saw me," she whispered.

"That's enough," I said quietly. "I don't want to know any more."

"Let's just go," said Payton, standing up. "I've got about three hours worth of Divination to do."

"Double that time for Arithmancy," said Maci, also standing up.

"You two should be taking Muggle Studies," I smirked. "Easiest class ever."

Payton glared at me. I threw my hands up defensively and stood up with the two of them. I shot a millisecond glance at Cedric and smiled that nothing physical was happening between him and the Ho.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now