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Meghan's POV

"What just happened?" I wondered aloud. I was irritated and confused. He didn't have to run off like that. That was stupid. He should have stayed. We could've continued practicing, and forgotten about all of it.

It's all my fault. He wasn't ready. Why wasn't he ready?

Wait. It's not MY fault! It's most certainly his fault. He should have known something like that would happen. He should have been prepared. Right?

I slouched down in the deserted Charms classroom and groaned. I tried to be mad at him. He ruined it! For some reason, however, I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. I wish I hadn't done it. We could still be in here having a wonderful time, being friends. But that's the trouble, I don't want to just be his friend!

I left the Charms classroom and slowly walked back to the common room. It took me forever. I was trying to avoid having to face him. I felt like crying, but no tears would fall. I guess it just wasn't that sad of a moment. I entered the common room, and everyone stared at me. All conversation ceased. All eyes on me.

"Would someone like to tell me why the hell you're all staring at me?" I yelled at them.

No one moved. I felt a cold piercing in my heart. Gits.

I shot a glare towards no one in particular. I stormed up to my dormitory, putting as much emphasis on my rage as possible. As soon as I slammed the door, I heard their conversations pick back up again.

"Gits!" I whispered through gritted teeth.

"Tell me about it!" came a voice from the other end of the room.

"Payton!" I exclaimed. Her voice caused me to start. "Can you tell me what's going on down there?"

"Well," said Payton melodramatically, messing around with her tie, "All our dear housemates knew that you and Diggory were out doing something," she eyed me mockingly, "and when their dear, precious champion came into the common room looking quite distraught, they immediately blamed you."

"That's insane!" I blurted out.

"Isn't it?" she agreed, rolling her eyes at them in disgust.

"I'm not responsible for Cedric's emotions!" I half yelled. "That's ridiculous that they're stupid enough to think it's my fault!"

"I know, eh?" said Payton, throwing her hands in the air. I sarcastically let out a groan and pretended to strangle them. I sighed and walked over to Payton's bed and sat down on it. She made more room for me and continued fussing with her tie.

"Where's Maci?" I asked her. She looked startled at the question, but turned to face me.

"On a date!" said Payton in a Can-You-Believe-It kind of voice.


That time, I did yell. "With whom, may I ask?"

"You may asketh, but I cannot answereth," she replied.

"Oh my lands," I whispered.

"Meg, why are you talking like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like my great Aunt Amelia."

"That's how I talk when I'm confused beyond comprehension," I replied. My eyes were big with confusion. My deep blue eyes met Payton's icy blue ones. Hers were full of compassion, and mine, rage.

"I didn't believe her," I whispered so quietly, I was surprised that Payton heard me.

"About what?" she whispered back.

"She told me she had an 'engagement.' I thought she was joking. What a great friend I am!" I slapped myself on my cheek.

Payton looked disgruntled. She didn't know what to say, to comfort me. I didn't blame her. I was a mess. She put her arm around me.

"Do you know where Maci is?" I asked Payton.

"I wish I did," she replied, running her fingers through her short blonde hair. I swore under my breath and she laughed.

"Cedric's outside somewhere, if you need to talk to him."

Brilliant. Might as well start somewhere.

"You're a lifesaver, Payt!" I shouted. I nearly killed her with a hug. I jumped off of her bed and grabbed my coat.

"You might want to think about leaving it, actually," called Payton, as I was halfway out the door.

"What?" I asked, coming back in. She raised her eyebrows at me.

I thought for a moment. "You're brilliant!" I called, throwing my coat on my bed. "See you!"

I practically skipped up the stairs. I thrust open the doors to outside and immediately felt the dreadful cold of the evening.

C'mon, Cedric, where are you?

I searched for him with my eyes, but it was too dark. The cold was starting to get to me. I ran down to the lake. The same spot where we were in my daydream. No sign of him. It was irritating. I looked around in every direction. Still, no sign of him. I gave up and sat down. The ground was wet and soaked through my clothes. I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on them.

"Meghan, what are you doing?" called Cedric from behind me. I lifted my head, and paused, unsure if I had actually heard him speaking.

But it was real. I felt his hand help me up, and his coat being placed on my shoulders. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me close to him. I felt warm and safe.

This is how it's supposed to be. This moment. Right here, right now. This beautiful moment.

He held me in a warm embrace for what felt like a beautiful eternity.

I looked up at him, a tear of joy escaped from my eye, and I knew everything would be okay.

"I was a fool to wait," he whispered, and finally, his lips met mine.

A/N: 10 Votes before I upload would be great :-) COMMENT!

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