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Cedric's POV (One week later, November 14)

"Whoa, whoa whoa!" exclaimed Payton from across the table. "Any of you seen this morning's Prophet?"

"No," I replied. "It should have the article about the Champions, though. What's it say?"

Payton, glaring at the Daily Prophet with great disgust, handed it over to me. Meghan leaned over from her seat next to me, and looked at the paper with me. We both scanned through the contents. Payton was pleased at our facial expressions.

"They don't even mention your name!" shouted Meghan, turning from me to the Prophet repetitiously.

I was lost for words. This was supposed to be an article about the Champions, but that Skeeter woman turned it into 'The Daily Potter.'

"Yep," said Payton, "and they spelled Viktor and Fleur's names wrong!"

"This really pisses me off!" groaned Meghan. I dropped my fork on my plate, causing a great clatter to ring through the hall.

"I'm mad too," I said. "But can we just forget about it?"

Meghan nodded and squeezed my hand reassuringly. Payton shrugged and began scanning the hall with her eyes.

"Welp," she said, jumping up. "I'll be off."

"To see her boyfriend, no doubt," muttered Meghan under her breath. We both laughed, and sure enough, she greeted George with a kiss, and they didn't stop kissing as they walked out of the Great Hall.

"I swear, those two are inseparable!" whispered Meghan, shaking her head. "Who knew that a boyfriend could turn someone into such a pervert."

"Oh," I said with a smirk, "Happened to you, too, has it?"

"No!" she said quickly, and laughed. "Some of us are lucky."

She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I don't believe in luck," I said, smirking.

What a stupid thing to say!

Recovering from my idiocy, I changed the subject. "So, how do Maci and Payton feel about dating twins?"

"They're actually pretty cool about it," said Meghan, raising her eyebrows and nodding her head. "They all four have one thing in common, though."

"And that would be-" I started.

"-Snogging every second of the day," we said together. She laughed hard and I grinned.

"Payton's the worst, though," she said, as if she was unable to believe it. "I swear, it's all she talks about anymore! It's getting really annoying."

"And you and Maci-"

"Perfectly great," she said with a smile. "Like nothing ever happened. And now, that you're all caught up on all the girl drama, let's go for a walk, it's nice out."

"Thanks heavens," I said with a look of relief.

We left the Great Hall, holding hands. That's one great thing about Meghan - unlike some people (Payton), she isn't obsessed with kissing. We'e only done it a handful of times, but that makes it special.

We walked outside into the beautiful November cold. It was freezing but this time, we were both well bundled.

"The first task's in just over a week," said Meghan casually.

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?" I replied nonchalantly.

"I wonder what it could be," she said, scrunching her nose in thought.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now