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Cedric's POV

The day could not have gone by any slower. My nerves were getting the better of me. Why should I be nervous? Meghan is just a friend. I've been acting weird around her. I feel so stupid. Any other girl would think I'm insane and unable to start a decent conversation.

Well, that's the trouble. I can't. I try, I really try, but I get lost in her eyes. I try to speak but I can't. If I did speak, I would probably say something stupid.

I want to get to know her. I want to know what she's like, and what she loves. It's been killing me today. I'm praying that tonight will be perfect. I just want to start fresh and hopefully find myself. I need her to know who I really am.

I was barely paying attention in Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall just assumed I was stressed about the first task and didn't call me off. To be honest, the first task was at the bottom of my worries. I signed up for this tournament, didn't I?

I couldn't get her out of my head. All I could picture was her, sitting next to me, feeling uncomfortable. It was dreadful. I remember how I felt. Mental. Why couldn't I say anything to her? The memory just made me feel insecure. I tried to throw it out of my head and think of a happier memory. But was there one? Did I ever actually feel good with her?

I wanted nothing more than to be comfortable around her, and her me. I made a promise to myself that I would get to that stage. I just hoped I could get to it sooner rather than later.

Everywhere I went, people spoke to me. I enjoyed the attention..the first few times. Now, it was getting out of hand. Girls whispered and giggled at the sight of me. Guys either waved or eyed me with pure askance. It took a lot of energy having to look at everyone who was trying to be friendly to me. I wanted more than anything to ignore them and get on to class, but I didn't want to be a jerk.

And then, a thought came to me. Perhaps if I practiced a bit with another girl, I would feel more comfortable talking to Meghan? It was worth a shot.

It was irritating how bad I was with girls.

I walked up to the first girl I saw.

Maci Smith.

Meghan's best mate. This would either be a perfect idea or a trainwreck.

"Hi, Maci," I said, trying to sound friendly and casual.

'Hi," she replied, looking at me with scrunched eyebrows.

"Fine, thanks," she said, still eyeing me with suspicion. She ran her fingers through her long auburn hair. "How are you?"

Mental note to self: Trainwreck.

"Yeah, I'm doing pretty good," I said. I clenched my fist, something I do when I feel awkward.

"Er, it's a shame there's no Quidditch this year, you were an excellent chaser," I said, the trainwreck growing worse by the second. What had I gotten myself into?

"Thanks," she said, although she didn't sound friendly or flattered at all. "Not that you would care, seeing as you have the Tournament and all."


"Look," said Maci irritably, "Cedric, I don't know why you came over here to talk to me, so if you have something to say, spit it out. I've got to get to class."

"I'm sorry," I said sincerely. She gently nodded her head and scurried off past me.

Well, that settles that - Trainwreck.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now