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Maci's POV

Well, that was officially the worst Yule Ball of my life. (And the only...) I could not help but keep thinking of Fred. How could he even dance with that Angelina Johnson chick? I thought he loved me. He said he did, but he threw me in the trash without a good explanation.

  Okay, he did give me an explanation, but it was a crappy one. He claims he doesn't have time to focus on a girlfriend? It didn't look like that when he was holding Angelina in his arms.

  I left the Great Hall, sick and tired of The Weird Sisters and not having my Fred. I walked quietly and fatiguedly down to the Hufflepuff Common Room, and found it completely deserted. I had thought that Meghan would have been in there, for she had left the Great Hall hours prior, and was nowhere to be seen.

  I shrugged and walked up into my dormitory, finding it empty as well. I felt like such a loner, and kicked of my heels and got onto my bed.

  I could not get the stupid song "Do the Hippogriff" out of my head, and I sang it loudly whilst in my lonesome.

  "Can you dance like a hippogriff, ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma," my voice rang out. I laughed at the song, so lamely filled with wizarding metaphors.

  I fiddled my thumbs, waiting for something to happen, as it was quite boring just laying there singing a cheesy song.

  I heard a knock on the door, and got up quickly. I must have accidentally locked it.

  "Who is it?" I asked in a bored voice.

  "You know who," was the response.

  I screamed out loud. "GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled, running to my bed for protection.

  "Oh my chocolate frogs," said the voice, "it's me you idiot!"

  "Meghan!" I whined. "Don't scare me like that!"

  "Honestly woman," said Meghan, as I let her into the dormitory. "Did you really think that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is going to come into our dormitory? What the fudge would he want with you?"

  "You don't know everything," I said defensively. "I could be a secret Death Eater. Or perhaps I betrayed You-Know-Who, and he is after me. Maybe he wants me for my superb magic skills."

  "What superb magic skills?" asked Meghan, rolling her eyes, and taking barrettes out of her hair.

  "Hurtful!" I whined. She rolled her eyes again and let out a yawn. "Where have you been?"

  "Do you want the truth?" asked Meghan. I threw my pillow at her face and groaned.

  "You're mental," I proclaimed loudly. "Of course I want the truth you blast ended skank!"

  "Blast ended skank?" she repeated, laughing madly. "That's original."

  "Honestly, tell me where you've been," I demanded, growing more impatient. I was eager for her to spill the beans. I knew it was something juicy.

  "With the love of my life," she said airily, batting her eyelashes and staring up at the ceiling.


  "No, stupid! Cedric," she said as if it was completely obvious.

  "Shut the front door!" I yelled. "You're mental. I need to take you to the Hospital Wing. How much have you had to drink?"

  I rushed to her side and picked her up by the arm.

  "Oh my gosh, Mace," she said drawly. "I'm not kidding. Let go of me!"

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now