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The Great Hall was quiet as Maci and I entered. Even though it was crowded with the students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, it still felt empty. Not everyone had arrived. It was disgustingly silent. Most students refusing to speak in anticipation for the announcement of the champions. Even at the Staff Table there was little conversing. Professor Dumbledore appeared to be the only one with a sincere smile on his face.

The Goblet of Fire was at the top of the Hall, flaming brightly, haunting every student. Little by little, more people came in to sit down. After a few minutes, he came in.

From our house table, people smiled at him and a few stood up and waved. He looked exceptionally nervous; not at all his usual self. He returned their waves with a weak smile as he slowly made his way towards the Hufflepuff table. After refusing many of the Hufflepuffs' invitations for him to sit next to them, he chose a seat...next to me.

Cedric Diggory sat down next to me?

I turned quickly to Maci, who smiled excitedly for me, and nodded towards Cedric. Without wasting any time, I turned towards him. He had fixed himself a small plate of food, but would not eat it. Seeing my gaze from the corner of his eyes, he looked at me and smiled.

"Cedric, are you nervous?" I whispered.

He took a small breath. "A little," he answered.

"Don't worry," I said kindly, "It'll be you for sure. It has to be!"

This time, his eyes smiled along with his mouth. "Thank you, Meghan," he said.

I was overwhelmed with astonishment and excitement. Cedric Diggory knew my name? Most of my friends and classmates called me Meg. Maci was the only one who really called me by my actual name. I couldn't believe he actually knew my name was Meghan. All this time I thought I was completely invisible to him, but in reality he knew me well enough to call me by my name. It may have seemed a bit silly to get excited about someone knowing my name, but I thought I was completely oblivious to this guy!

After a still silent dinner, Dumbledore stood up.

"The Goblet of Fire is ready now," he announced. "When the champions' names are called, please make your way to the chamber beyond the staff table-" he gestured to his left, "-where you will receive further instructions."

Cedric's breathing was rapid, and he closed his eyes for long periods of time.

"The Durmstrang champion," said Dumbledore, grasping the piece of parchment, "will be..Viktor Krum."

The Durmstrang students clapped loudly for their champion, and he made his way to the chamber.

"The Beauxbatons champion, is Fleur Delacour."

The cheering was more exciting for the Beauxbatons girl, although some were in tears.

"And now, for the Hogwarts champion," said Dumbledore.

All eyes were on the Headmaster. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. And suddenly, Cedric's hand was in mine.

"Cedric Diggory!" called Dumbledore.

Our house table errupted with cheers, everyone got to their feet. Cedric was elated, and he turned and embraced me for a split second. Even the furious boo's and hisses from the other house tables were unnoticed. Cedric was positvely beaming as he made his way towards the staff table to shake hands with Dumbledore. Professor Sprout made her way towards Cedric and gave him a great hug. She was beaming from ear to ear, clearly exuberant that her student was a Triwizard Champion.

Even when Cedric disappeared into the chamber, the applause was still strong. It died down after a few minutes, and another piece of parchment flew out of the Goblet of Fire.

"Harry..Harry Potter!" yelled Dumbledore. The astonishment on the faces around me were nothing compared to that of fourth-year Harry Potter. Whispers filled the Great Hall, and Harry slowly made his way toward Professor Dumbledore.

"He couldn't have!" whispered Maci in my ear. "Right?"

I didn't answer. How could he have? I didn't dwell on it, but focused my thoughts on that poor, poor boy. Due to the overwhelming state of mental shock he was in, it didn't seem possible that he had put his name in the Goblet.

Had he?

"You are all dismissed," whispered a very distraught Headmaster, and he scurried towards the chamber that held the four Triwizard Champions.

Insane ideas, rumors, insults, and everything in between escaped the mouths of hundreds of students. I refused to take part in it. I couldn't stand the things they were saying about him. It seemed as though they had forgotten he was the reason the Dark Lord met his downfall.

The gossip was too much too contain. I squeezed my way past the large crowd that was heading out of the Great Hall. It was impossible to escape them, so I made my way back towards the Great Hall.

Only two people had hung back, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley.

"Ron!" whispered Hermione in a harsh voice, "You can't possibly believe that Harry put his name in the Goblet! You're being positively unfair!"

"He did too!" snapped Ron. "'The Chosen One' couldn't stand that maybe for once in his life HE wouldn't be the center of attention!"

"Ron!" called Hermione, but it was too late. Ron stormed out of the Great Hall right past me, leaving Hermione alone.

Hermione sat alone at the Gryffindor table with her head in her hands. I walked towards her and sat down a reasonable distance away from her.

"Er- Hermione?" I whispered. She looked up at me, a bit confused, but smiled kindly nonetheless.

"You probably don't know who I am...My name is Meghan Grant, I'm a sixth year Hufflepuff." I felt rather awkward as I talked to her.

"It's nice to meet you," she said sweetly.

"And you," I replied. "I just wanted to let you know that I am positive that Harry did not put his name in the Goblet. I saw the look on his face when Professor Dumbledore said his name. It couldn't've been him. Someone else must have done it."

Hermione gave me a compassionate smile, "Thank you so much. I know it can't have been him! Thank you for actually having some sense."

I returned the smile. "It's the least I could say to you. And you can tell Harry, too."

"I will!" she replied quickly.

"Thank you," I said, getting up. "I'm glad I was able to meet you."

"You as well!" she replied, also getting up.

The champions then came out of the chamber into the Great Hall. First, a horribly angry looking Viktor Krum, an irritated Fleur Delacour, and a neutral Cedric Diggory. Lastly came Harry, looking bewildered and still upset. Hermione ran over to talk to him.

I turned to walk out of the Great Hall, but I was stopped by a voice behind me that softly spoke my name.


I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now