Chapter 2

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Hoseok's POV

We gathered at the club.. We started the game.. I started looking a girl and found someone.. She's the girl who asked me to dance with before.. I come to her..

"It's you!" she said and put her hand on my shoulder.. she's sexy..

"Hey.. Come with me.." I tried to seduce her.. It's not fair if I'm not do the game right? I pull her to the empty place..

"How old are you?" she asked..

"23 years old.. how about you?" I asked..

"Same.." how about started the game now?


"Tell the truth! Are you success or not?" Jimin said.. We all nodded..

"That's great!" he said..

"Guys... I have to go now.. I have a lesson.." I said and left.. I' sleeping during the class.. It was boring..

"Wake up" I heard someone said.. I woke uo and looking at the source of the sound.. It's Mijoo..

"Thanks.. ah and also 2 days ago, thankyou" I smiled.. the class is dismissed..

"No problem.. I will go first.." she said and left.. I just go out and saw her with a guy.. She have a boyfriend..

"What are you looking at?" Jin hyung asked me.. I just looking him and shook my head..

"Kkaja (let's go).." I said and we gathered with Bangtan..

"Let's go to the club!" Jimin said..

"Again?! No! I will be stay at my apartment then.." I said.. Club isn't my type..

"Come on hyung.." maknae line said.. Taehyung

"I won't go.. Just you all go.. I'm sick of girls you know.." I said and left.. Club is totally not my type..


I was walking and saw someone.. It's her, Kyungri.. She live in here too..

"Hi!" she said..

"Hi... You live in here?" I asked

"Yeah.. You too? Alone?" I nodded..

"Kyungri! Oh! Hoseok!" Mijoo too?

"Hi.." I said..

"You know her?" they both asked me.. I just nodded..

"I will go first.." I said and left them.. You know, it's weird with a girls, now..

Mijoo's POV

I can't believe that they know each other!

"Mijoo.. I have something to tell.." Kyungri said when we're in her home..

"What is it?"

"So.. I think.. I like Hoseok.." I'm shocked..

"So? What can I do?"

"Can you help us to more close? You know, you're friendly, and I'm little quiet.."

"Sure then! But, I'm not sure if I can help you.."

"Gwenchana!" she smiled.. She must be like him so much.. But, how about Hoseok?


I laying in my bed, chatting with Mark.. Well, he's my boyfriend..

Sleep well babe -Mark♡

He said and didn't reply me again..

Kyungri's POV

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