Chapter 7

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Mijoo's POV

I hide behind Hoseok.. There is someone that I married before, not married, but have to married with him..

"Mijoo.. What's wrong?" Hoseok asked me.. I looking around before answer it..

"N-Nothing.." I smiled

"What's going on? I'm your husband, why can't you just tell me?" he put his hand to my shoulder..

"Arasseo.. So.. That.. There's a person who I have to married before.. Who made me have an accident.." I told with looking down.. It's disgusting if I remembered him..

"Look at me.. You're with me now, you don't have to be afraid.. I will be with you.. So, you can tell me anything.. Trust me.." he hugged me and caressed my hair.. I feel protected with him..


"Eoh Mijoo!" Kyungri is here.. glad I'm not with Hoseok..

"Eoh.. Why?" I smiled..

"Do you know where Hoseok oppa?" oppa wtf.. anyway, I can't hate her.. she not wrong.. I'm wrong..

"I don't know.. Maybe with his friends.." I'm 100% didn't know where is he go..

"Arasseo.. Gomawo!" she said and left.. I think, it would be hard for me, to be with Hoseok, forever..

Hoseok's POV

"Hyung, another girl?" Jungkook asked me.. I don't know what he talk about, so I just looking at him and there's a bitch girl.. Kyungri

"What are you doing here?" I said coldly..

"Oppa.. Let's go on date!" holy fuck..

"I won't, just go with them.." I said and left her..

"Oppa.. Come on.." she followed me..

"I said, NO!" I shouted.. she look fear now, great..

"Go away.." I said and left her.. She's so freakin shit..

"Why are you do that to girl?" Yoongi hyung asked me..

"Because I don't want anything to be wrong.." I said while sleep on the sofa..

"What do you mean?"

"Hyung, I have a girlfriend.." I said and ignored him..


"Hoseok oppa!" fuck that.. why is Kyungri in here?! How can I meet this bitch girl?! I want to go home and meet Mijoo..

"What. Again?!" I have to be patient..

"Let's go to my home! Or yours?" she smiled.. fuck

"Hello? I don't want to go to your home!"

"Oppa.. Let's do it again.."

"Do what?! Oh man.. We didn't do it! You just trap me! I didn't do anything to you, bitch!"

"We did it! Until-"

"Shut the fuck up! WE. DIDN'T. DO. IT! You gave me a drink so I sleep, but we didn't do it! And about the clothes, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES, SO I THINK THAT WE DO IT! I'M NOT STUPID, YOU BITCH! Am I wrong?!" I really want to slap that bitch face..

"That's right! I just want to have you! That's it!"

"Now, get out of my face! Don't even come to me! I already have someone that I loved!" I said and left her.. Oh my God.. That girl just ruined my mood..

"Hoseok.. What's wrong?" Mijoo asked me when I'm in home.. How can she know there's something wrong to me?

"Nothing.." I fake smiled.. I don't want her to hurt.. I went to the bedroom..

"Seriously, I know when you got a problem, or not.. Tell me" Mijoo followed me..

"I just tired.." I closed my eyes while laying..

"Jung Hoseok.."

"Please.. Don't disturb me now.."

"Arasseo" she said and left.. am I too rude?

Mijoo's POV

Why is he do that? Why all of the sudden he became like that? What's wrong with him? Am I do something wrong?

I hope he's okay.. I left him and took my phone.. I got a message..

Do you like Hoseok? -Kyungri

God.. What is it?! Is she know it?! Is she know that we married?! OMG why is this happen to me? Why can't I just love Hoseok and live happily with him?! Should I reply it or not?

"Mijoo-ya.." Hoseok called me and walk to me.. I quickly hide my phone..

"Eoh?" I asked..


"Eh? For what?"

"I think I'm too rude before.." he hugged me.. and this moment make my heart beat so fast..

"Gwenchana.." I hug him back..

"Mijoo-ya.. I will tell something later.. When I'm ready.. and you too.." he said and kissed my lips shortly..

"Arasseo.. Let's sleep" I said..

"I'm not sleepy yet.. How about doing something?" he suddenly push me to the couch so I fell and he on top of me.. what is he thinking about?!

"You pervert!" I hit his head..

"Ouch! It's hurt you know!"

"Then, don't do it again!"

"Why?! We married!"

"Whatever.. I don't want to.." I said and left him..

"Come on.. When could we do that?" he followed me..

"Just sleep you pervert!" I hit his head again..

"Aish.." he said and sleep beside me..


"We don't have class today right? Just at night?" Hoseok asked me when woke up..

"Yeah.. So I will sleep.." I said and closed my eyes again to sleep..

"Don't just sleep.." he suddenly touch my thighs.. I slap his hand from my thighs..

"Come on.. I will do anything, except doing that.." I rolled my eyes.. he pointed at his lips.. wtf.. kiss him?!

"Not kiss too.." I said.. I'm too shy..

"You just said except doing that, so, you can't reject my wish.. correction, wishes.." I rolled my eyes.. and suddenly he kissed me passionately..

"Satisfied huh?" I said when broke the kissed..


"Ugh.. whatever.." I said and woke up.. to avoide him..


"This will be the last practice for dance next wekk.. So, I hope we can do the best!" the leader said.. we kept practice until 10pm.. well, at the last practice, my leg was hurt, because I fell.. Someone have to catch me, it's the part of the dance, but he didn't caught me.. Gladly, just leg..

"Can I just replace Jungyeol place? It's dangerous if he not catch Mijoo!" Hoseok complained.. I tried to stopped him, but can't..

"I don't have a time to talk about this.. And it's just an accident" the leader said and left..

"Hoseok, you don't have to do that.." I said when they all back..

"How can I not?! Your legs is hurt! I just worry that you will hurt again!" he said angrily..

"That's just an accident, it's okay.." I said try to keep him calm.. but he go outside.. Why is he mad just because of this?






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