Chapter 3

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Mijoo's POV

"Where did you get this?" I asked.. It's when Hoseok hugged me yesterday night..

"Where? I saw it by my eyes! You stole someone I loved again.. Let's see, Lee Mijoo.. You won't won this time!" no.. she must be misunderstanding about this..

"Wait.. You misunderstood about this!" I hold her hand when she about to leave..

"What misunderstood? I saw it by my eyes.. I don't care what's your reason.." she push me and left.. God.. Why is this being like this?! Should I stay away from Hoseok? So she not misunderstand?

[Skip] Saturday

It's already a few days I stay away from Hoseok.. And I will back to my family house..

"Mijoo! You can rest, after that, choose 3 dresses and bring it to me!" My mom said when I'm arrived..3 dresses? For what?

"For what?" I asked..

"You will know later.." my mom said and push me to my bedroom to rest..

"That's right.. Just rest.. and forget all" I said and sleep after choose 3 dresses..

"Mijoo.. Wake up.." my mom wake me up.. I sit in my bed with messy hair..

"Take a bath and use this.." my mom give me one of the dresses I chose.. I take a bath and used it..

 I take a bath and used it

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"Wow.. My daughter is pretty.." my father said.. I just smiled.. I don't know what are we going to do.. But we're in restaurant.. and why am I use dress?

"They're here.." my father said and stand up and greet them.. I bowed to them and.. Wait.. Hoseok?! Seriously?!

"So, this is my son, Jung Hoseok.." his father said.. hell..

"This is Lee Mijoo.." my father said..

"So, you two are going to be married.." WHAT?! WITH HIM?! SERIOUSLY?! HELL NO! I'M NOT GOING TO MARRIED! ESPECIALLY, KYUNGRI WILL HATE ME MORE.. and maybe a war will come..

Hoseok's POV

WHAT?! OH MY GOD.. Mijoo is stay away from me these days.. How can I married her?!

"Dad, we're too young to be married.." I said..

"Yeah.. And we don't like each other.." Mijoo said..

"No comment.. You have to married each other.. We already prepare all.. You don't have to make a wedding day.. But, you have to married each other.." they said.. holy God.. If this is the right way, I will just followed it.. Well, I'm not bothered with this.. But Mijoo?

"Can we discuss it first?" I asked.. they nodded.. I bring Mijoo out and talked to her..

"Is it okay for you?" I asked..

"So, I will just tell the truth faster.. So, Kyungri likes you, she want me to helped her to be with you.. and when I knew that Mark cheat on me, you hugged me and she was there.. So, she mad at me, that's why I'm stayed away from you.. and also, if I married you.. I think, there will be a war.. I hate you, seriously.."

"So, your answer is no right?"

"It's okay for me.. Because I want to do what my parents want me.. Because I haven't do anything for them, I'm always selfish.. But, if we married.. Just pretend there's nothing between us, if there's Kyungri.."

"So.. What's your answer? It's not bother me.." I said and suddenly our parents come..

"We have to go now.. And this.. You will sleep in there tonight.. and tomorrow, you can back to Seoul.. There, we already move your things to your new house.." they said and left.. WHAT?!

"Wait.. Hotel?! I don't bring any clothes.." we both said..

"You're not problem.. But me?! I used dress.." she said.. that's right.. But, it's pretty.. wait. What? No. It's not special..

"Let's go there first.." I said and we go there..

"JUST ONE BED?!" we both said when go to the hotel..

"Can I have one more bedroom?" I asked., I want to buy a bedroom.. I don't want to sleep with Mijoo.. she hate me, Why not?

"Sorry.. All room is full.."

"No! It must be one room again!"

"Sorry.. It's 100% full.." God..

"I will sleep here.." I said as I laying on the bed first.. yes.. I got it..

"No! It's mine.." she push me away.. and we keep push each other.. Until we fell togther to the bed.. and damn it.. Our lips touched..

"S-Sorry.. I will sleep in the sofa" I said as I broke the kissed..

"Eoh? Eoh.." she nodded.. I quickly go to the sofa and close my face with blanket.. Because my heart is pounding so fast..

Mijoo's POV

I can't sleep because of my dress isn't comfortable.. and because of Hoseok.. We're married.. but, I don't know if I will like him, or I have to like him.. What's the matter, Kyungri will hate me, because I married him.. And there will be a war.. Between me and Kyungri.. Should I keep Hoseok, or not?

"You haven't sleep?" Hoseok asked me.. He haven't sleep too..

"Yeah.. I can't sleep.." I nodded..


"Just.. Not comfortable use dress and thinking about something.."

"Mark? Kyungri?"

"Not Mark.. And don't ever say his name again!"

"Kyungri then.. Do you afraid there will be a war between you and her?"

"Yeah.. We're married.. And Kyungri will be think that I liked you.. At last, what's the matter.. She will be hate me.. And it's possible for her to do something to you.. or me.."

"Just think about that later.. Just sleep now.."

"Why are you haven't sleep?"

"Just.. Not comfortable too.." I know that.. Should I asked him to sleep with me.. We're married..

"Do you want to.. sleep here? Don't misunderstand.. What's the matter.. We married now" I said..

"Well then.." he said and sleep beside me.. this dress really uncomfortable..

"Just open your dress if you uncomfortable.." he said.. FUCK

"Are you crazy?! I can't open my dress here.. And you sleep with me!"

"We're married.."

"That's same!"

"Whatever.. I will sleep.." he said and sleep..

"Is it possible for me to forget Mark.. and like you?"






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