Where's The Queen?!

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(A/N: My head is aching when I'm doing this so... This might have some problems...)
[Abby's POV]
We where finding more about this village named "O'khasis" then we get a little hungry.
"Hey, who's hungry?" Grumpy questioned as we all raised our hands.
"Ok then, your majesty are you-- Uhh..." Happy stopped talking as we all look around and didn't see the Queen.
"Where's Queen Delightful?!" Smiley said as we freaked out a bit.
"Okay, clam down guys. We're all acting like Bashful or something, let's just go around the village and try to find the Queen." I said as they all nodded. We go out of the house and split up to find the Queen.

[Grumpy's POV]
We all split up to search for the Queen. I went to the market and search the Queen there. I didn't find her, but I did find this weird thing on a cliff at from a hill close to the shore. I went there and saw a statue.... I look close to it and there's a sign that says,"Statue of Lady Irene."
"Lady Irene?" I thought as I looked at the statue closer. The statue was holding a something that was glowing and shaped like a tear drop. I looked down and saw the sea full off swimming cats. Well not really full of cats, what I mean is like there's cats swimming on the sea. I looked around more and noticed that the boat that we talked about was getting built. I was happy to know that till my stomach was calling for food. So I kinda thought of taking a little break, I head home and eat some cheese as always!

[Happy's POV]
I was looking for the Queen around the gates, I still haven't find her.
"Wow, where can the Queen be?" I said to my self as I search in the bushes.
"Pssst." Someone called, but I ignored it and continued searching.
"Pssst." Someone called again as I ignore it, you don't know why or who's calling you.
"Pssst, Happy!" Someone called again, but this time the voice said my name. So I looked behind me to see.... nothing...
"Uhh... Is someone calling me?" I ask a bit scared as the bushes starts to shake.
"Who's there?" I questioned as Smiley come out from the bush.
"Smiley? What are you doing here?" I questioned him as he blushed a bit.
"I almost got lost. Good thing I saw you." He said as smiled at him.
"Have you been here?" I questioned him as he shook his head.
"Oh okay then, want to take a break?" I ask him.
"Sure, absolutely!" he answered happily as we both go back to our place.

[At Jollywood]
[Third Person's View]
Doc's pet Smarty-Pants was done doing his machine that can track the 7D. Starchy was still surprised.
"Ok then, so we just follow the arrow?" Starchbottom questioned as Smarty-Pants (A/N: I forget what Doc's pet is) nodded.
"Okay then, you said so." Starchbottom said as he followed the arrow.

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