I got tagged by Ash_in_wonderland
I'll tag others at end first I answer questions
1) Do you like someone
Unless garroth~senpai counts no2) Do they like you back
Me: garroth do you like me
Garroth: ........
Me: oh right, Aphmau3) Middle name
I don't like telling people but it's Nicole4) Single or taken
Single bruh ain't no boy tying this girl down......yet5) last person you texted
Lauren or GoldieFazebear6) Last song you listen to
Teen titans theme song, and not teen titans go the original7) phone battery
100% cause it's plugged in right now8) Girl best friend
erin_elisa14 or Erin and Aflapjack11 or Doggins9) guy best friend
Well this is awkward I only have one guy friend RyanRice910) OTP
GARMAU!!!!!!!!!!! MAKA X SOUL!!!! EREMIKA!!!! KIRITO X ASUNA!! LUCY X NATSU!!!!11) Why did you make your account
I watch Ross~kun and his vids, so I decided to try and contact him through it12) current lock screen
Picture above13) birthday
8/20/01 baby!!!!I'm only tagging 10 people
1) Aflapjack11
2) GoldieFazebear
3) ForeverEternity1717
4) RyanRice9
5) erin_elisa14
6) Mentalllove
7) Empress_Aphmau
8) House_Owner
9) Death_Love_Note