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Still Colt's P.O.V.
I pulled up to the house and got out. I went over to Hedli's side and opened the door. Her head fell and she woke up. I unbuckled her seatbelt and got her in my arms. I walked up to the front door and unlocked it.

Once in I took my boots off then hers. I walked her upstairs to her room. "Can I get a shower?" She asked. "Sure I'll start your water for you." I told her. I set her down on the floor in front of her room. I went into the bathroom and started her water.

She came back with a tank top and sports shorts. I went out letting her get cleaned up. Once she was done I got my shower and went to bed. I didn't bother to check the time or close my door.

I felt my bed dip under something else's weight than my own. I felt around until my hand felt her back. I pulled her closer to me and laid her head on my chest. She's so perfect in so many ways I couldn't even describe it.

I fell asleep with her on me. Hoping that I could wake up to her beautiful face.
Hedli's P.O.V.
I woke up on something hard and breathing? I lifted my head to see a sleeping Colt. Wow I must have been extremely tired last night to fall asleep in the wrong room. Scratch that it was planned. He moaned before tightening his grip.

I felt so safe that I fell back asleep. Movement woke me. I opened my eyes and saw a grayish blue wall. I turned my head and faced a calm and relaxed Colt. "Sleep well? Cupcake?" Dang it he gave me a nickname. Wait had that coming wearing cupcake pj pants the first night.

I moaned when he went to get up after I had put my head back down. "Come on now. We have to get up." He said as he sat up. My head falling across his lap and into his hip. I heard him chuckle. "Fine I'm up." I said protestingly. Once sitting up I realized I was in sport shorts and a tank top. Crap.

He checked and made sure the coast was clear before I hurried into my room. I threw on some jeans and a John Deere tee before going downstairs. At first I thought I was the only one down. Then Colt popped his head up from the counter.

Coffee was the only thing on that guy's mind right now and I wasn't going to stop him. I sat down at the bar after pouring myself a cup of milk. Finally he was standing by the coffee pot waiting for it to be done brewing.

Suddenly the dogs went wild. Colt went to the front door. Second day in a row of going shirtless. Gotta love those rock hard abs he has and they're washboard! Ugh he'll be the death of my man dream. "No ones outside." He mumbled.

He went back over to the coffee pot and stood against the counter. Pretending that I was still drinking. I observed his build. He was broadly built with biceps that bulge when flexed. His torso was hard as mentioned when I woke up.

There was a v line leading straight into his jeans. One day I'm going to figure out where that stops. "Are you done with checking me out Cupcake?" My attention went to his voice. He was smirking. "I wasn't checking you out." "Mhm I'll bet on that." He said in a whisper while smirking still.

Oh me gersh could this get any more awkward? Just then Zach came down in just his boxers again. Even my boy cousins know not to come out of their rooms without pants on at least. This time Colt scolded him. Finally Bucky came down fully dressed. At least he is dressed.

"Looks like someone is bout to bang their head on the counter." Bucky said. "Don't worry there's the cold water and the pool out back." Colt told his brother. Now Zach came back down with a shirt on. Still can't he just put pants on?
The last seven days have been crazy. On purpose I've been sneaking into Colt's room to sleep. He doesn't mind it at all in his defense.

Triple R Rodeo:book 1 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now