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Longdale, Nv
I just parked at my spot at the Longdale rodeo. Colt wouldn't be at this rodeo or the next two with me. It'll make me wonder what he's doing but I'm just going to kick it into the back of my mind and pray that they rush by.

Mikey was parked next to me. He told me that when Colt finds someone he has taken to his hometown he really likes or even loves them especially when it's time for their annual rodeo picnic.

I went to my trailer and opened it. A black horse was there and not Reno. "Jet? How did you get in here and locked up?" I quickly called Colt.

"Hello." "Colt are you at your rodeo?" "Yeah." "Check and see which horse you have." The line went silent for a second. I stroked Jet while I heard the trailer hinges on the other side of the line. "Which horse do you have?" "Gee it's a black horse with no white whatsoever. How did our horses get switched?" "I have no idea how." I hung up on him and went out to see if I could register with Jet. Colt was in Kissimmee, Florida and he had Reno.

Luckily I could so I did. I went back to the trailer and put my extra bridle on him writing in sharpie on the inside of the muzzle part I wrote Jet. I put it on him and my saddle. I walked him over to the ring and got on him.

At first he didn't know what to do until I rubbed him well. I trotted him around the barrels. Then cantered. Once he was warmed up I tried him out.

He cut tighter that Reno and responded well to me. Izzy was now watching with her boyfriend. "How did that happen?" She asked. "I guess our horses got switch before we left. So I'm stuck with this horse and he's stuck with mine." "Not how you ended up with his horse, how can you ride him?" "It just comes natural to me with different horses."

I sat there for a second. "Can you take a video of me on Jet running the barrels?" I asked her. "Sure. You gonna send it to your boyfriend?" "What other choice do I have?" I handed her my phone and got into position. "Ready." "Go."

I cut him around the first barrel onto the second. Finally the third before kicking it home. I rode up and she handed me my phone. I watched it and saw the video duration. "Eight and a half? Oh my gosh that's the fastest I've ever gone!"

I quickly sent him the video and hoped that he saw the duration of it.

Colt's P.O.V.
Kissimmee, Fl
I was talking to a guy looking for a partner when my phone went off. I looked at it. Hedli had sent me a video. I unlocked my phone and played it. It was her on Jet, riding him around barrels. Every move I saw Jet did it perfectly. Reno was behind me trying to nip me on my butt.

"If you act anything like your owner I bet that she misses me too like you miss Jet." I told her. I was registered in calf roping with her. "Man I can't wait to see her again."

Clovis, Ca
I pulled up alongside a trailer and got out. I went to try and find Hedli with Reno tailing. Bad for me that there were five trailers like hers but luckily only one had a solid black horse. I found it and knocked on the door. Jet recognized me immediately and whinnied loudly. I tied Reno up and leaned against the trailer.

The door opened to reveal my beautiful girl. She stepped out and on contact she saw Reno. I quietly snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She squealed just like she did every time. I quickly turned her around and got her legs around my waist. I kissed her sweet lips now wanting more.

Hedli's P.O.V.
After one kiss that was enough for me wanting more. I saw lust in his eyes like he saw in mine. His smirk did it all. He got us into the doorway and closed it so no one could see this. He took my belt and his off and dropped them there. I took my boots off and dropped them where ever. He laid me onto the bed and pulled mine and his shirt off. Then he trailed kisses from my lips to my hips.

I unbuttoned my jeans and shook them off. He took his off and started on me again. I flipped us so I was on top. I started kissing him down his neck and torso. He moan/growled when I reached the waistband of his underwear. I went back to his lips. Once our tongues were twisting he unclipped my bra and threw it somewhere.

He flipped us back over. I could feel his manhood pressing against my center. I moaned in pleasure as he made his way past my breast to my hips. He started moving my underwear down. More my head was screaming. He drug his tongue along my body until it reached my breast.

I knew no to go farther but I couldn't resist the temptation. Once he was back at my jaw I let him go as far as I'd let him. "This is torture." I moaned. "You started it Cupcake." He said in between kisses. I looked at the time. "Crap the rodeo starts in thirty minutes." "S-hit." He cursed.

We quickly got dressed and ready. I threw my hair into a ponytail and pulled on a pearl snap. I placed my chaps on and my belt before getting my vest. Reno already had her saddle and bridle on ready to be ridden.

I took her to the arena. Bronc was first and I was last. I watched Colt ride, even after our crazy session I still thought of him as the one I fell in love with.

Once he was done and out safely. He found me and placed an arm around my waist. Many of the men hated that. Colt would mostly flip them off for calling me certain names. Cause he knew what kind of girl I was.

Oh no I'm now realizing which horse I got. Kick it to the back of your mind and cowgirl up. I got onto the horse. I couldn't tell at first then I pulled a trick. He lurched right meaning that's how he's coming out. I sat slightly to the right.

I nodded and waited for all hell to break loose. The dirt came into contact with my face. I got up in pain and walked out. Several men were laughing. I climbed over and landed roughly. Colt caught me before I was able to hit the ground.

"You ok baby?" I nodded as he handed me the water he was holding. Izzy came up with Nathan. I leaned against the railing to watch the bull riding. Once it was over I was steady enough to walk straight. I saw Colt getting Reno for me. He helped me up and led her to the warm up ring. I warmed her up and got ready to barrel race. Team roping was now and I could tell Colt missed doing it.

Once that was done they started barrel racing. I was first up. Once this is over I'm gonna have to get back to my trailer. After my run I had to miss Colt calf rope. Straight to the trailer for pain killers and a body inspection.

Immediately I took my shirt and jeans off. There was a bruise on my left thigh from the horse stepping on me. I took ibuprofen and put on one of Colt's bull rider shirts. I carefully laid down and dozed.

Sometime while dozing my bed dipped under weight. I felt the bottom half of my left leg being rubbed. Least I didn't get a broken leg.
Colt's P.O.V.
I fell asleep next to her. Last night I noticed she wasn't there when I was calf roping. Nathaniel and Izzy said they saw her heading to her trailer. When I got there I checked the back of her legs to find a hoof print bruise on her left leg. I got her some ice and left it there.

She was up before me. "Hedli you need to let your leg rest." I told her. "I'll take care of Reno for you." She finally gave in and got back onto the bed. I checked the bruise. It was still black and yellow. Not a good sign.

"Think you may have to sit tonight out Cupcake." I said. "Noooo." She moaned. I rubbed her back before getting up. "I'll be back I'm going to get you some more ice for that bruise of yours."

Triple R Rodeo:book 1 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now