Part 2 of Chapter 1

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You walked into your house with a small sigh as you leaned on your front door while closing it slowly. You rubbed your head slightly as you move hands slowly through your bangs. You looked up at the darkness of your home, the stench of alcohol roamed it very strong. You stood up straight and began walking upstairs towards your room. You closed your door, sliding down it as you clutched your right fist a bit lowering your head into the palm of your left hand. You stood once more to sit on your bed, burying your face in your pillow as you felt warm liquid hit your cheeks, smooth skin. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, which made you jump a bit. You grabbed it quickly seeing it was your mother again, but you ignored it with a small groan.

You rubbed your red teary eyes, and moved your bangs again. You lifted yourself up slowly feeling your heart pound with fear. You placed your fingers in your hair. As you made a few breaths to calm your Anxiety, along with your Depression.

-time skip to tomorrow-

You woke up with a slight groan as your phone's alarm went off. You always wondered why you kept it up so loud. Oh wait. This is why. You opened your tired eyes as the worlds lights blinded you. Your (H/L) was very messy and puffy, but honestly you didn't care. Sleep was sleep, and the true best sleep is when you know it was a good sleep. You made an awkward stretch pose, but man did it feel great! You grabbed your phone, completely forgetting your brightness was at 100% which made you flinch, with a tiny squee of pain. "Nighhh..." you muttered turning it down. You quickly panicked when your phone said '8:30AM'. Geez did you set your alarm wrong or did you snooze it? That doesn't matter you were late! You quickly got dressed half way trying to brush your teeth and you hair as you trembled down your hallway, only to bump into your mother. "(F/N)!" she shouted. "Why are you in a hurry?" she questioned. You were just surprised she was actually home and sort of sober. "I'm late mother, thanks for waking me up." you grumbled trying to walk past her. "Honey, it's Saturday." she replied. "Do you have Saturday school that I didn't know about?" she questioned. Your face quickly went to annoyance. Wow, you forgot to turn your brightness down, then you forget to turn your alarm off. Congrats (Name). You sighed putting your toothbrush back up. "God dammit... I could of actually got to sleep in..." you groaned at yourself. You made a small yawn along with another stretch. You walked back into your room, still trying to focus on what was going on. You sat down rubbing your sleepy eyes as you stared at your phones dim screen. "So dear, I was thinking we should go do something ya know." Your mother started saying as she busted in your room. You jumped up as startlement took over your body. You clutched your heart acting as if that was suppose to happen. "And that is?" you questioned running your fingers through your hair. "Well some guy I was with last night suggested 'bonding' with you; so the mall maybe? Or going to the park or ya know something fun." she began listing places, but you were lost in thought until she mentioned "also, your brother will be over in a few hours or tomorrow or so." your face went to disgust. "L...Levi...?"

((if you don't have a bro, well welcome to hell here is your free ticket c;))

He was always a prick, more of an asshole before he left. "No!" you groaned. Your mother chuckled. "Well get ready... Again we are going to leave in a few." she finished as she left your dome. 'Maybe he has changed...' You thought still anoyed with the idea.

To be continued...
Guess what... Cliffhanger .o.
I wanted to spice things up a bit ya know? Anyways I already have part 3 half way done so be ready for a quick update! c;

Well guys, so far so good I guess? Please criticize and suggest!

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