*Chapter 4*

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The moment you all have been waiting for!
Also, I'm a bit rusty so sorry if its bad.


You were sitting on a bench at the near by park. You had an apple juice box (Dave is rubbing off on you lmao.) and nothing more, but your phone. You didn't know what urged you to go outside, but you did it anyways. You moved your bangs slightly, but kept them in place as the light hot breezes flew past you. You cross-crossed your legs and pulled out your phone.

After a couple minutes of silence, someone had came up behind you, and that certain someone was a John Egbert. You squealed and alsmosted decked the adorable nerd. "Oh, hello there John." you chirped, feeling your body panicking still. "What do you want?" you added, slightly pissed that he had spooked you. "Nothing, just someone looked lonely." he replied with a bright smile. You couldn't help, but to smile back at him. "So, what brings you outside in the wilderness?" he questioned, with a hint of tease. (Poor (Name), always getting teased because Author-Chan is lazy and writes all her story's at 1 AM) You quickly frowned, knowingly Dave had told him what you said about people touching you. "I honestly don't know. Something was begging me to go outside, so I did." you shrugged and took another sip of your AppleJuice. "You probably needed more of the Vitamin D, if ya know what I mean." you never thought of John as the sexual joker type. "I hate you." you said, even though you were laughing. He was dying of laughter.

You and John were hanging out for about some time, until Levi had shown up. You didn't know why John was afraid of him, but he was. "What's up with him?" Levi questioned sitting on the benched next to you. "Dunno, he's afraid of you for some odd reason." you replied with a shrugged. "Eh, I can see why." he replied with a stretch. "Faggot." "Assnugget." You smirked and shoved his face away from you. "Where's Dave?" he's usually with you. Now that he mentions is, where is Dave? You gave him another shrug. He smirked at you as his phone was buzzing repeatedly in his ass pocket. "Whelp, I gotta go. Don't stay out too late OK? Or do, its whatever." he was being sarcastix, but serious at the same time. You gave him a nod, and picked up your phone to see an unread text.

[TG]: yo come over
[TG]: dork left me with Bo juice
[TG]: im dying by being died
[TG]: hurry

[YC]: David, shoosh. I'll be there I 5.

You smiled sheepishly, and began your walk to your Striders home.

You opened his apartment door, reveling the Smuppet piles, and Lil Cal. "Hm." you rolled your eyes and journeyed your way to Davies room. Davie? Blah whatever. You opened your room to show an upset Strider. You still had half a box of AJ, so you saved the rest for him. "Here dipshit." you handed him the box of AJ with a smile. His face brightened up, he basically lifted you off the ground once he took the box. You giggled and pushed him away, by the time that happened you could hear the noise of air being sucked from the small now empty box. "Dave, were you that desperate for AppleJuice?" you teased with another giggled. "Mhm." he replied tossing it on the ground. "Dave, no." you picked it up and tossed in a near by trash bucket. He laughed and sat in his leather chair once more. You just plopped down on his very comfortable bed. His face plastered a smirk as he moved to sit infront of you. You smiled up at him, making you realize how tall he was again. Even when he sat next to you, he was like 36544x your size.

In your moment of fantasizing about his height, you had just realize he was holding your chin up to him. You felt butterflies swarm in your stomach once his lips touched yours. It wasn't his normal type kiss, it had more hunger in it. You felt your body scoot closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his pale neck. You smiled into the hungry kiss, but pulled away gently for air. You smirked sliding his shades off of his pale freckled face showing what hid behind them; lust filled Strider eyes. You sat them on the near by pile of Smuppets, but continued the kiss once more, this time getting a tongue beg from him. You allowed, feeling him explore your mouth. You could feel him hover over you as his masculine frame pressed against yours. You made a breathy moan when he grasp your breast. You felt his smirk plaster against his face. He suddenly pulled away from the kiss, motioning towards your neck. He planted soft kisses until he bit into a certain part that made you shiver; he then abused it as well as leaving marks, causing you to make light moans. You tugged softly at his shirt, causing him to take it off, along with yours reveling your (F/C) bra. You felt your face heat up quick, you weren't really the type for showing off their body. You noticed Dave biting at his lip, his crismon eyes filling with more lust and hunger for you. You gave a sheepish smile of embarrassment. Dave began to plant feathy kisses on your neck, as he tugged at the brim of your pants lightly. You tightened your grip around his neck as you bit into the lower part of his neck, getting a groan from him. You smirked as you felt his member harden up more. You could feel yourself heat up, as Dave began to pull off your pants to revel black (U/T). Your face heated up even more, especially when Dave did the same to revel his red boxers. You bit at your bottom lip when you could feel Dave rub your core. You hide your face in his neck, but the moans showed out. You scratched gently at his back. You were upset when stopped, but only to pull off your (U/T). You felt your body grow with fear, and hunger. You were still a virgin, so you weren't going to know the pain. Dave began to pull off his boxers to revel his long member. You bit your lip harder at the sight. Before Dave entered into your entrance he looked down at you and asked, "Ready?" you gave him a nod. You flinched as his thick member inserted into you, causing a loud moan to escape your lips, along with a groan from Dave. You moaned louder as he trusted into you. Your lower area grew with pain and pleasure. You bit into Davies neck, along with scratchier harder at his back causing him to groan louder. You wrapped your legs around his torso, causing a tad bit more pain to enter into your body, until it all turned to pleasure. Eventually, after a few more thrusts you felt your climax coming along. You shot Dave a quick look, he picked up on it, signaling it back at you. You made once last moan before releasing, him as well. You made a small breath before burying your face in his chest. He pulled out of you, with a breathy groan before wrapping his arm around you and giving you a soft jmkiss under your ear.

Well there you! Should I continue the story? If so what should happen to Mr. and Ms. Strider? Problems in the relationship, etc, etc? Comment below.

Thank you for playing!

I'm sorry, not sorry. :o)

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