Please take your time to read this A/N

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(Keep reading to the end to find out where I get my "cute" insults from.)

So the reads on each chapter have lowered increasingly. I mean, I'm still a noob at writing, but I do it for fun and I will be continuing this story, but I will spice things up. Such as, you'll find out if you read fam.

Someone in the comments I recently began to become friends with, told me how their afraid to post their stories because of hate comments. Critsim has always been welcome, but hate bull shit, that's unacceptable. Like fuck you, straight up. You fucking haters can take your cringing asses and dig a hole, and hate on each other there. People do their hobbies because they enjoy it. They don't just do it to please you. Some authors criticized themselves because something someone said about their writing. This actually isn't even just for writers, artist like myself, singers, juggling people, hell this is for everyone and their favorite hobbies.

So all I'm asking is for you to stop judging and threatening people just because you don't like it. People like that can go find someone who will kiss their ass and do what they want. I'm really trying to be offensive, but my Gog don't put so much harshness on someone, like I said cristicm are very welcomed, but shit like, "You can't write for shit." is plain out fucking useless to young developing authors. What am I supposed to do? Scoop a pile of fucking shit and put it on your face? Be HELPFUL by saying stuff like, "Hello! I love your story, but you did make a few errors here and there, but that shouldn't be any problem at at to fix!" or "You have a lovely story, but can you add yada yada to it?" That is helpful.

Sorry if I offended someone, I am just very pissed and it annoys me how people stop doing what THEY love because some assholes ruin it for them.

Thank you for reading this story, and I hope to see you soon!

Also, I do base some of the words and other shiz off of this game I play with fellow HomeStucks! Especially the one whose name is Dave, I just have a better friendship relation with him. *ahem* further feelings will not be explained. Any who, but yeah if you want to know what game I play, just message and/or comment!

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