A new beginning!

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So... Like I said in my A/N. I am going to continue and hopefully, not discontinue it. I'm really glad of how many views this story has gotten! I have some what of a plot planned out, ahem you're probably going to hate me when it comes. Sorry... Not really. Anyways enjoy~


You (Name) (Last Name), has been officially been dating Dave Strider for a year now. It was the middle of December, but along the way you've met new people, even Trolls! Such as Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Sollux Captor, Kanaya Mariam, and so on! You actually never realized how many Trolls were at your school, considering you've always preferred to think everyone the same, black, white, Troll, doesn't matter, you shouldn't judge people at all.

You made a bright smile, it usually ices in Texas, but it actually snowed this year! You were outside making cold breath clouds come out of your mouth. Levi had decided to stay in Texas, atleast until your mother got out of prison, which was not going to be for awhile. Lets keep this story shimmering shall we? You smiled as your small nose grew red along with your cheeks. You closed your (E/C) to hide them from the frozen world. Your smile hid into your gray scarf, but poked through a little. Sadly your time of moment was ended, when a frozen ball hit your back; AKA a snow ball. You frowned and turned back to see Levi's fatass hiding behind his car. You narrowed your eyes with an evil smile. "Fuck you." you shouted laughing. He laughed back, throwing another one. You shivered when the frozen force hit you, making your nose even redder. You finally brought your self to shove snow in the back of his shirt, before running away when he came back for revenge. "Levi! No please!" you begged once he had you cornered. He was laughing, but was shortly enter erupted when someone dumped an ass load of snow on his black hair. You were laughing your ass off and made your escape pass your brother only to hide behind Dirk. "Its rude to corner your sister." you teased sticking out your tongue. "Its rude to shove snow in someone's shirt." he replied shaking the left over snow that remained in his shirt. You smirked until a sudden frozen thing hit the top of your head. You squealed in free only to look up and see that a tree had done that. "Karmas a bitch." Dirk chirped with his Strider laugh. You were shivering, but with a blush of embarrassment. "You guys are assholes." you muttered shaking the snow off of your body. They were dyeing of laughter, so you decided to walk off, but failed when you bumped into a warm frame. You smiled, knowingly it was Dave, but sadly it was the one and only, Karat Vantas. "Get the fuck off of me, you worthless shit of a human, you pinked fleshed bulgelicker." he screeched. You laughed. His insults were priceless. You flicked his Troll nose. "Stop being crabby." you teased. He just made an annoyed look, along with an eye roll. "Why are you here anyways, Mr. Vantas?" you questioned. "Ugh. Because fucking someone named Jade fucking Harley forced ME, to come get YOU." he complained folding his arms before walking ahead of you. "Come on you slow asshat, we have to hurry before my messaging device explodes its fucking stupid face off." he retorted quickening his pace. He was literally two centimeters taller then you, and he speed walked like an elderly folk. What the fuck man.

You and Karat have finally arrived at Jade's house. You were shivering, considering how fast he actually fucking walked for someone you were almost as tall as. Karat knocked once, but welcomed himself in because fuck waiting.

You were greeted with a fellow person named, Jade. As interesting as it sounds, you two literally only met two months ago by John when she moved into town, and now you guys are legit besties. (That word makes me cringe because of how many times a peppy said that to me, thinking I actually like them because they asked for a drawing that I did eventually draw for them. So ima use it in the story because fuck it.) You gave the black haired female a tight hug, cheeks pressed together. She smelled of cinnamon, oddly to say. You both eventually pulled away from each others grasp with giggles. "Hello (Name)." a familiar voice had spoken behind you. You turned around with a bright smile. It was Rose, her pinkie was entwined with Kanaya's. "Ay there." you simply replied until you herd a sudden thud from the roof. You and Jade both looked at each other before racing each other to the stairs up there. You opened the door that led to a roof garden you would called it; beside it was a lot of empty space, well it had two males strifing. "Dave, what the hell." you muttered with chuckles when he was holding a katana against Dirk. "Wait, how the hell did you get here so fast, Dirk?" your question caused them to stop the strife as he walked towards you, proud of his fight. "Doll, I got ma' ways." he chuckled purposely bumping into you. (OK, so before I learned how to teleport on this game, my Dirk fam would always randomly appear where me and Dave were when we talked shit about his dick; actually no Dave always did that. Like he fucking KNEW when people were talking shit about him. I was paranoid for weeks, I still don't know how he knew though, he kept being a smartass about it. *ahem* asshole.) You just simply shook it away, knowingly you would never get it out of him. In the process of getting your thought back, Dave had came up to and pushed him close up against you. You smirked, but frowned when you saw a fresh cut wound on his arm, and chest. Dave just chuckled. You pulled his wrist and forced him into the bathroom to care for his wounds.

You had finished cleaning them, only giving him an annoyed look. "You're adorable when you know you're not upset with me." he teased looking up at you through his shades. "You're an idiot strifing when its -0° outside." you flicked his forehead, only to earn him wrapping his arms around your waist, and him barring his face in your stomach. "You love it." he replied with chuckles. You successfully hid your blush as you ran your fingers through his blonde hair. "Aight, yes I do. C'mon their gonna think we're fucking if we don't hurry." you utterly hurried to get out of his grasp, but failed. "Maybe I want them to think that." he replied, standing up to make him now towering you. "Dave, no." you replied, trying your absolute hardest not to laugh. He hugged you once more muttering, "Love me, (Name)." "David, I already do." you replied. You could feel him burn with frustration. "You're adorable when you know you're not upset with me." you mocked burying your face in his neck. "Fuck you, (Name)." he mumbled. "I already did." you replied. You could feel the blonde blushing. You giggled, pulling out of his grasp, and out the bathroom door with a smirk.

You made a small yawn before sipping your hot coco with Jade. Its been like 20 minutes since you arrived, so you tried your hardest not to fall asleep considering that the cold made you extremely tired. (Hue, it does for me my dudes.) You stretched, earning a boop from Jade. You gave her a look, not a bad one, but a look with a giggle. You squealed when a sudden wait sat on you. "Oh my God, please free me, I am going to die. Good Lord please help me. Oh my God." you complained, actually getting Karkat to smirk at your complaining. "No." was all the familiar voice said. Jade was laughing her ass off, along with Dave. "Dirk please. My lungs don't even exist right now because of your fat ass." You desperately tried to push him off of you. "Well, now I'm definitely not getting off, you rude as Lil shit." he replied laughing, as well as pushing more of his boney weight on you. "OK, OK, I'm sorry! Please get off! Oof." you held your chest, trying to regain your breathes, shooting daggers at Dirk. He chuckled moving his blonde spiky hair back.

You woke up with a yawn. How long was I asleep...? When did I fall asleep? Your mind questioned, but you shrugged it off. You replaced your shoulder for a pillow underneath Jades head and made your way out side. You sat on the stone stares, as your breath flowed white as you breathed. You perked a smile as a light wing picked up and turned your pale nose, to a light red, along with your soft cheeks. You closed your (E/C) eyes, letting it hit your more. Your (H/C)(H/L) hair blowing gently, along with your gray scarf. You opened your eyes again, only having a Dave appear. You squealed pushing your self back some. "Holy fuckery shit, Dave you scared me." He was laughing while you made an angry pouty face. He just walked over to your new spot and sat beside you. You folded your arms and hide slightly in your scarf. "You look like a turtle." Dave teased with a smirk. "I am a turtle, so fuck off." you replied. "Fuck in." He replied, turning in his vision towards you. "That doesn't make sense, Dave." You pointed out giggling slightly. "I don't care. Fuck in." He simply replied trying to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. You laughed softly when his struggles tickled you. "D-Dave stop!" you laughed pushing him away. "No. Make me." He replied doing his previous action as before. You were trying your hardest not to allow the tickled nerves be the tickle, but failed when he kept nuzzling you very softly. You papped him away. He laughed hugging your waist. You smirked petting his blonde hair. You never realized it, but in the summer it shows out more, but in the winter its way lighter. His hair changes with seasons. Seems legit. You breathed out again, causing a white cloud to form then disappear.

You and Dave eventually went inside once the weather started making you shiver. You refused, but he picked you up anyways. You brushed little snow piles off of Dave's shoulders and gave him a quick smile, before attempting to walk off. He pulled you back in for a very warm Strider hug, wrapping his arm around your waist. Considering that he was tall, it was very easy for you to get warm, he was like your personal blanket, but boyfriend material type. It ended when Karkat walked by y'all, murmuring, "Stop attempting to fuck in peoples hives you pink fleshy fucks." your cheeks were a light pink, but Dave smirked. You looked up at him with a perked eyebrow and kissed his cheek (Somehow.) and walked off.

I know how you guys love when there's a lot of lovey stuff going on -I think that's how you say it I really don't know-, so I tried! There!

Thank you.

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