Part 3 of Chapter 1

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You brushed your hair into (F/H/S) and put on eyeliner, you weren't really the 'a lot of makeup type'. You grabbed your phone and stuck in your back pocket and left your room. You slid your hand down the railing on the stair slowly. "Ok. I guess I'm ready...?" you told you mom rubbing your arm slightly forgetting your red flannle. You quickly ran up and got it, then traveld back downstatirs. "Ok, lets go, please." you said opening your door again. She was on the phone. She was makeing giggles as she twirled a fallen hair piece from her messy bun. You rolled your eyes as you walked out into the real world. 'Is she even sure anything is open at 8:38AM?'. Probably not. Since usually your mother took hours on her phone, you just decided to go on a walk by yourself. 'No one is out at 8 o' clock in the morning'. You quickly ran off before your mother would actually notice you ditched her.

-----Just a SMALL TimeSkip-----

You made your way down the sidewalk as you stared up at the sky a bit. You put on a smile when a breeze hit your skin, blowing your (H/L)(H/C) softly across your neck. You then felt your phone buzz in your back pocket. You stopped in your steps reading that it was from an unknown number.

<Hey fucker
<Why'd you leave ;)
--Just now---

You made a confused face debating on whither or not to reply, but oddly... You did.

<Hey fucker
<Why'd you leave ;)
--Just now---

Who the actual living motherfuck is this??? >

<Missed you too Lil sis

<Its me you fuckwaddler


You put your phone back up with a small annoyed groan. You actually were beginning to like this day, but he ruined it. You looked over slightly when you notice a 'red' out of the corner of your eye.

Oh, its that one kid. He was walking with his hand in his pocket, and holding an... AppleJuice box? You looked back slightly, noticing how fast you actually walked from your house. You sighed as you made yourself walk back. Hoping you wouldn't end up looking like you were following him. 'Who is he...?' you thought to yourself. 'Isn't he that one kid who supposedly popular with everyone? EVERYONE?' You thought, but shook it away. It doesn't concern you so you didn't bother.

-------- Le TimeSkip babs --------

You opened you door to reval a brother. Your brother. "Hey, about time your back." he looked different since last time you spoke with him in person. He had some what short, but OK black hair, gages and a lip piercing, and he was paler then usually; he also had arm tattoos. Way back when he was a little swag fagg, he had very short fuck boy brown hair, a tanner skin tone, and just a faggot personality. "I missed you." he said breaking your thoughts as he squeezed you in a very tight hug. Very tight in deed. "Hey there's someone I'd like you to meet." he said excitedly. "Gross, your friends." you teased sticking your tongue out a bit with a slight grin. 'Maybe he has changed... Maybe...' you thought looking up at him. "Anyways, who is it?" you questioned as he dragged you. To your kitchen. "Hey Dirk, this is my Lil sis, (Name)." Dirk seemed relieved whenever he walked in. Your mother was biting her bottom lip staring at him. "Mom. Stop. That's creepy." you muttered. She rolled her eyes and went up to her room. "Nice to meet ya Lil Levi." he said with a smirk. You rubbed your flanneled covered arm staring at him. "Hi." was all you said to him.

--TimeSkip BC bonding ---

He wasn't that bad, Atleast not as much as he used too be like. Dirk seemed pretty cool, the fact that he was gay

(If you don't like the fact that he is, then change it to Bisexual)

was adorable to you. You ran your fingers through you bangs with a small laugh which your brother stabbed you with his finger. "So how's your relationship life goin' Lil sis?" he questioned, teasing you a bit. "Great I guess, I mean I love being with Casper. He's great." You replied sarcastically. "Great, I'd like to meet em'." he replied punching your shoulder. "You should meet my Lil man. He's a smartass too." Dirk said as he looked up from his phone. "I'm actually texting him right now. Well, I gotta go take care of his ass. Bye (Name), it was cool meeting you." he told you with a grin smile as he purposely bumped into your brother. "I'll miss you too, fucker." he said with a small laugh. They were great friends, which slowly started making you ship them. You made an evil grin at your brother as you gave him a hard stare. It obviously made him feel uneasy. "What?" he questioned staring back with a terrified look. "Nothing." You replied as you quickly shook your shipping phase away; for now atleast. You quickly scurried up stairs and into your room. 'Today was OK' you thought as you plopped down on your bed with a hint of smile.

Is this story OK? I'm writing it for a friend and I just want to make sure you guys like it.

Thank you!

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