Meeting The President Of The USA

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The drive was long, about half an hour. Now I know the reason why mom is up so early. She had parked up in front of the US Government Building. It was bigger than I had imagined. I could already seeing men in black suits standing outside of the building wearing black sun glasses and a hearing thing in their ears. I forgot what they were called, I think they use it to communicate with each other. Mom led the way making me follow behind her looking at the big, wide building. She had showed her ID at one of the guards and told them I was her daughter. They gave a quick nod and let us in. I walked in through the big doors and right away seeing a big foyer area with many people walking by. I gasped a little. I stayed close to mom making sure not to get lost through the crowd. Mom and I had walked through many halls and we stopped in front of a door with two guards standing on either side of it. She showed her badge making the guards nod. Then they opened the door. I looked around as I entered the room. Once I saw a big desk in front of me, I gasped seeing who was sitting behind it.
"Ah Eden nice to see you. Oh, I see you have brought your daughter?" Obama said as I gave him a big smile. He grinned back as he stood up and offered his hand. I shook it.
"Great pleasure to meet you sir" I said as he nodded.
"And your name?" He asked as I cleared my throat.
"Eunice" I said as he nodded.
"She looks just like you Eden" Obama said as he glanced at Mom.
"So your mother has been working with me for years now and now that she is retiring for a few days, she wants you to be part of our very new agent facility?" He asked as I nodded.
"I'd be Honoured to sir" I said as he smiled.
"So you are not the only one that has been assigned to this facility, in fact 3 students same age as you has signed up yesterday" he said as I nodded.
"Come, I will show you where you will be, where all the missions and training will be held" he said as he looked at a guard and nodded at them making them nod back and open the door for him. Mom followed behind me as President Obama walked down the hallway and he stopped in front of a door. He turned to me and gave me a card.
"This is your key to opening this door, only you 4 will have, including me, and the general" he said as I nodded. He opened the steel door leading us to an empty hallway and a staircase.

We stepped off the last step seeing a large area with weapons, a gym, and a big table with chairs around it. A training room, Weapon room and meeting room. Wow. I smiled.
"Woah" I said as he chuckled. I noticed 4 people by the meeting table. 3 boys were standing at ease in a line while the 4th was a man in a camouflage suit. President Obama led me to them.
"General Don, here is a new recruit, Eunice" he introduced me as General offered his hand. I shook it. He was tall, he had blonde hair cut for military men and he was wearing a green hat.
"Nice to meet you newbie" he said as I smiled and nodded.
"Well I will leave you to her, show her around, and make her feel comfortable" president said as General nodded. Then he and mom left the area making me look at General.
"Stand in line" he said as I nodded and stood beside the boys.
"Alright, you 4. Welcome to the U.S.A.F. United States Agent Facility. A facility for spies. This facility had just opened up for new generation of spies, like you right now. Now you guys are the sons, and daughter of the guards the work here in this building, and are the ones that have earned their badges during military school" he said as we all nodded.
"First off, I have lockers for you guys just through that door. So go on and head that way" he said as the boys took their big bags and carry them towards the door. General Don gave me a big gym bag. It was heavy.
"This is yours" he said as I nodded and made my way to the door. As I was close enough to read the sign on the door, I noticed there was a boy symbol on it.
"Um General?" I asked as he walked over to me.
"Yes lieutenant?" He asked as I pointed at the door and then looked around the whole room.
"Where's the girls locker room?" I asked as he shook his head.
"You're the very first female agent in this facility, it being new and all" he said as I looked at the door. "So you will be in the same locker room with the guys for now," he said as my mouth dropped open.
"B-but I hardly know those boys" I said as he shook his head.
"Those boys are nice, and very well behaved. They are actually easy to talk to and they keep mind on their own space. I'm sure you'll be fine. But if something does happen, you are to report to me right away" He said as I gulped." Alright go on and pick your locker, before they pick the best ones" he smiled as he patted my back and then he walked off. I gulped once again and then I slowly pushed the door open. I walked in hearing the boys laughing. I walked passed the wall blocked the door and right away, the boys stared at me.
"Oh hi newbie" one said as the other smacked his arm.
"Don't call her that" he said as the third spoke.
"She is new" he said as the second glared at him.
"Shut up John" he said as I gulped.
"Hi" I said as they smiled at me.
"I think you're in the wrong locker room" so called John said as I cleared my throat.
"Well General said that I was the very first female agent to join this facility so there are no girl locker rooms" I said as they looked at me.
"So you're gonna stay in this locker room? With us?" The boy with blonde said as The other boy with some what golden hair said.
"No duh Kirk" he said as So called Kirk glared at him.
"AAYYY don't be speaking to me like that" he said as I started to walk towards a different column of lockers. The guys sat on a bench between the first 2 columns of lockers making me walked in between the second and third column. I placed my bag on the bench and took my purse off.

Kirk and Will were just whispering about the girl that walked in. She was on the other side of the column of lockers behind our lockers.
"Her? The first one? I don't think that's true. I've seen plenty of female spies in movies" Kirk said as Will looked at him.
"Kirk, that is different? She's telling the truth anyways. I didn't see any girls locker rooms so" Will said as I nodded. I turned to my locker flipping the door open. I took my bag and unzipped it. I took out my uniform.

I had finished changing into the uniform that was in the bag General gave me. Green camouflage Army pants and a white sleeveless shirt. There was a pair of black boots making me lace them up. I tied my hair in a ponytail and i stuffed my normal clothes in my purse. I hung my purse in my locker and then I zipped my gym bag closed and hung it in my locker. I slammed the door closed and I walked towards the door.

I saw the girl walk out from behind the column of lockers. She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and camouflage army pants with black boots. Her hair was in a pony tail leaving her black curls bunch up behind her head. I stared at her. Something triggered in my mind. She opened the door and left the change room. I stared at the door for a few seconds until someone whipped their shirt at me. I jumped.
"Hey John. You awake?" Will smirked as I nodded.
"Yea don't worry about it" I answered as I sat down and laced my boots up.
"Ooohhhh John likes the new girl already?" Kirk chuckled as I looked at him and threw his boot at him. He glared at me.
"Ow!" He said as Will laughed.
"Shut up Kirk, I do not." I said as he nodded sarcastically.
"Come on, she beat us outside already" Will said as I tied up my laces.

I stood in front of General waiting for the guys to come out.
"where are they? It should take them 5 minutes" general said as I shrugged. Then they walked out and jogged towards me and stood beside me.
"Alright, of course you guys need to know the rules around here. Everyone must change in less then 5 minutes and when the training day is done, 10 minutes to shower and get ready to go home. Do I make myself clear?" He said.
"Yes sir" we said in unison as he nodded.
"And so after you are all changed that table will have a smart board screen up showing a projection of a list. The list has all the warm up exercises and once you've finished that list. We will begin with our first drill" he said as we nodded.
"Since today is your first day, we will just be getting to know eachother and our own headquarters" he said as we all nodded.
"So just take a look around and if you want you can use the gym equipment and gym equipment only!" He said as we all nodded.
"Sir yes sir!" We said in unison as he nodded.
"Go ahead, I will be speaking to the president" he said as he nodded and walked towards the stairs. I looked around and saw the gym space with a ring on it. I smiled and jogged over to it. I saw boxing gloves and a punching bag. I smiled. I took the boxing gloves and walked over to the punching bag. I strapped the Velcro of the gloves. Then I looked at the bag. I moved my shoulders in a circle motion and then I faced the punching bag. I started to punch it.

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