The storm was frightening for the girls. I jumped a few times but that was because Kirk made me jump by scaring me from behind me. Before he could do it again, I turned around and pushed him away from me. He screamed.
"Don't. You dare do it again" I snapped as Will chuckled.
"Hey guys check this out" Will said as he placed the laptop on the table. We looked at the screen and I felt Kirks arms on my shoulder behind me. The video cameras in Jayden's house showed on the screen. We saw 3 fright agents wandering around and I saw them push the web trap seeing them all get wrapped around with the string. We all laughed.
"Well we got them" I said as they nodded and we high fived each other.
"Hey let's go to the back" Jewel asked as we looked at them.
"It's raining" I said as they shrugged.
"So, come on" Kylah said as Rencie, Jayden, Muslim, Jewel and Katherin stood up and ran to the back.
"Hey! Wait!" I yelled as I stood up and ran after them.They opened the door and ran out into the rain making me follow them. I saw them splash around in the puddles making me stay under the roof. I sighed and then I smiled. I remember when I was little, I always played in the rain. Before I even became into this soldier part of me. I miss living in a free country. But then my mind snapped back into reality when I saw them being dragged on the grass. I gasped.
"WILL JOHN KIRK!" I yelled as I ran out into the field and pulled on him out. 6 men had each of them. I kept running until I was in a full sprint. I fired my gun at one of the men but I only hit their shoulder. They were far from me and they were dragged into a black van. Tried to shoot the tires but I was too far. Then the van drifted off making me curse and scream. Then I saw my black camaro pull up in front of me.
"Get in!" Kirk yelled as I ran into the car and jumped in. Then the car blasted forward. We chased after the black van. The rain fell hard as we were catching up to the van. I saw people pop their heads out the window holding a rocket launcher. I gasped. I leaned forward to the steering wheel and drifted the the left as the man shot the rocket launcher missile. We ended up spinning in circles and then we stopped on the grass. I cursed and banged on Kirks seat. I was mad.
"Shit! Eunice why didn't you look after them?!" Kirk yelled as I looked at him.
"I was was! The real question is why weren't you guys with me?!" I yelled as Kirk groaned.
"Don't play smart with me! You know what you are the rookie cause rookies make all the mistakes in the team!" Kirk yelled as a small gasp came from my lips.
"Kirk!" will and John yelled as I leaned back away from Kirk.
"I said it!" Kirk yelled as I felt tears start to run down my cheek. Then I pulled open the door.
"No Eunice! Don't." Will said as I shut the door and I continued to walk. I didn't know where the hell I was going, all I knew is I'm getting away from them.Will
"Kirk! You dumbass! Why would you say that?!?" I yelled as Kirk rolled his eyes.
"This is why I didn't want her to be the leader!" He yelled in anger as I looked at him.
"Are you serious?! None of us deserves to be leader!" I yelled as he looked at us.
"Eunice is important to this team cause she keeps us together and makes sure we stay together. Now that you've pushed her off, we'll be lost without her! " I yelled as Kirk fell silent.
"Now you gave me another reason why I didn't vote for you," I said as I pushed open the door and slammed it shut.Kirk
What the fam did I just say? You dumbass! The voice said in my head said making me punch the wheel. I heard John get out of the car. I turned to look where Will, John and Eunice went. Then once I thought about it then I pushed the door open.Will
Eunice had seemed to walk faster and faster away from me making me start to run.
"Eunice, Eunice stop" I said as I pulled her back to face me. Her face was filled with tears.
"Leave me alone, like Kirk said I'm a mistake waiting to happen" she said as I shook my head.
"Don't listen to him. He takes everything a bit too seriously when it comes to serious situations. You're not a screw up" I said as she shook her head and wiped her tears.
"I have no place in this team what so ever" she said making em hold her shoulders.
"Shut the hell up. Eunice, you are a part of this team now, and you ain't ever gonna get out of it. You are important to this team, do you know why?" I asked as she looked at me.
"Because you help us stay together. You help us out in the tough situations and you know everything about us already. You know when we need anything or how we act out what our strategies are. You keep track of everything, Kirks just mad cause he's not like you" I said as she gasped a little.
"So don't you dare say you're not part of this team" I said as she wiped her tears and nodded. I pulled her in for a hug making her hug back. I pulled off as I saw John run up towards us.
"Don't go Eunice" he said as she shook her head.
"No, looks like you guys don't want me to go so" she said as I saw Kirk run behind John.
"I'm sorry" Kirk said as Eunice nodded.
"Think first before you say it Kirk cause words hurt more than actions." Eunice said as he nodded. Then he ran up to Eunice and pulled her up on his shoulders. Her stomach was laying on her shoulders and Kirk was holding her arms and legs.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Eunice said as we laughed.
"We're gonna get those guys back" Kirk said as he started to run with Eunice still on his shoulders. We chased after them.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...