We kept running with Huston in our arms. Dragging him towards the exit. It's been 20 seconds making me pick up Huston and toss him up to John and Will. I ran up and then we kept running. We slowed down knowing we were far form the entrance, we heard the bomb go off and then the ground shook. I knew the entrance was gone, blown up. John had Huston's stomach on the back of his neck while his arms held His arms and legs. Will was walking forward not even looking back as well as me. It's like we were walking in slow motion in an awesome spy movie, walking away from an explosion, not even turning back.Eunice
I was still crying until I heard my watch beep. I answered.
"Sir?" I asked as I heard Kirks voice speak.
"AAAYYYY! YOU LEAVING WITHOUT US?!" Kirk yelled as I gasped. I immediately ran to the front of the jet and turned the jet to the left going back to the base.I landed and once the jet touched the ground, I jumped out the jet and stomped my way towards the guys sitting on the grass. They stood up and walked over to me smiling. Once I came up in front of kirk, I punched him straight across the face.
"OW!!" Kirk yelled making Will and John jog over to him. I punched both of them as well.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" Will yelled making me burst to tears.
"YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME!!! I THOUGHT YOU GUYS DIED!!!" I yelled as I pulled them into a hug. They chuckled and hugged back lifting me into the air. I was crying In the hug circle.
"Awe she cares about us" Kirk cooed making me push them away. I wiped my tears away quickly.
"Get off me, we have to get Huston to General" I changed he subject making them point at me.
"Hey!!! She went from sweetie to strict much!" Kirk said making me chuckle.
"YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA US!" The girls yelled behind me making them start to chase them. Kirk and Will were mainly screaming when the girls chased them. I laughed. I looked at Huston groaning on the ground. I walked over to him and lifted his head up.
"Hi boo" I said as he smiled.
"EUNICE! MY LOVE!" He yelled as I stood up and kicked his face up making him fall asleep again.
"Gross" I said and then I turned to the guys seeing them run towards me. I screamed as they all bumped into me making them fall on top of me.
"Ow!" I groaned. I was stuck in a group pile.
"Get off!" I yelled as I pushed hem all off me making the boys fall face first into the ground. The girls laughed. I stood up and made my way to the jet.
"Carry Huston onto the jet" I said as the girls followed after me.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...