We have a bit of a problem

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Rencie and Jayden were out waiting for Muslim and John to get here. I was walking around with Kirk. Once we turned down the hall, we heard a window shatter. We jerked our heads towards the sound.
"Will, go over there" Kirk whispered as I nodded I walked over to the pillar and hid behind it. I turned peeking over. I gasped a little seeing men in black sneaking around the hall. I seeing shards of glass shattered on the ground. I looked at Kirk behind the wall.
"Fright" I mouthed as he looked over. There were about 6 men wandering around. I reached over behind me and pulled out 2 pistols. I looked at Kirk and tossed on at him. He caught it and I held my firmly. I looked at him and counted.
"3...2...1" I said as we turned our guns towards them.
"Freeze!" I yelled as the men looked at is and pulled their guns out and fired towards us making us hide again. Bullets bounced off the walls.
"Shit, go!" I yelled as Kirk pulled his gun facing them and pulled the trigger. I did the same making the men dive behind the wall. Kirk signalled me to move forward making me slowly walk out towards them but I saw one pop out making me dodge the bullet and shot their shoulder. They hid back. Then someone popped out again and threw some kind of disk towards me. I bent back making the dish fly passed above me. I heard Kirk scream making me turn to him and then back towards the men. I ran towards them and jump forward and punch them. Then another punched me making me block it and their other hand and then pushed them apart and then kicked his chest forward. The next one kicked me but I caught his leg and pushed it forward making him fall back.
"Kirk a little help!" I yelled as Kirk screamed.
"I'm making sure the guys don't see us!" He yelled back as I rolled my eyes and got punched in the gut. I stood up and pulled the guy in a choking hold. My arm was around his neck, but then he jumped up and then pulled me forward making me flip above him. I hit the ground and groaned. He got off me and was about to kick the top f my head but I rolled to the side making him miss. I stood up and kicked his leg making him knee down on one knee and then I punched his chin up making him fall back. I panted. And then I saw 2 people running down the hall towards Kirk. They looked at me but they didn't see Kirk.
"KIRK!!" I yelled as a long wooden board popped outta no where and the men hit the board making it break and the men collapsed on the floor knocking them out. Kirks head popped out.
"HAHA TAKE THAT!" Kirk yelled making me look at him.
"Good job, we got to hide these guys and then bring them to the base for General to interrogate" I said as Kirk took out his phone.
"Hey Keith, we have a few more agents of Fright here, can you come so you can pick them up and drop them off at the base?" Kirk asked.
"Ok just come as soon as possible, we hid them in the grass" Kirk said as he ended the call.
"Come on, throw them down the window, there's a grass patch down there" I said as he nodded and helped me drop them down.

Muslim was still driving, we were driving on a road by a mountain. It was an amazing view. The road had 2 lanes we drove on the right lane. I looked at the mirror making me smile and look away but then my eyes widened and looked back at the mirror. There were 2 black cars behind us. I gasped as the person in the passenger seat popped their heads out and pointed a gun put at the car. I gasped and pushed The wheel to the left making the car jerk to that direction making the bullet miss.
"Switch seats! Now!" I yelled as he screamed.
"What's going on?!?!" Muslim screamed as I groaned and switched seats with him. I pulled out a gun from my bag and held it in my left hand.
"What the fuck?!?!" Muslim yelled as I opened the Window and pulled my arm out and aimed at the cars behind us. I pulled the trigger hearing the billets fire. I pulled my hand back in.
"Who are you??" Muslim yelled making me glance at him then back on the road.
"I am a secret agent of United States Agent Facility. I was sent on this mission to protect you, Rencie and Jayden" I said as Muslim gasped.
"WHAT?!?!?" He yelled as a bullet came through behind us and made a hole in the window. I gave Muslim my gun.
"You shoot, I'll try to lose them" I said as he held the gun and gulped. I looked in the mirror seeing them speeding towards us, I stepped on the pedal making the car roar and speed up. We raced along the road. I looked forward seeing a huge U turn. I gasped. I looked in the mirror seeing them speed up then I looked at the road. I took in a deep breath.
"Hold on!" I yelled as I jerked the wheel to the left making the car drift the U-turn. The pull was heavy. Muslim pulled back in his seat screaming.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!!" Muslim screamed as the tires screeched as the car drifted to the left. Then the road was straight again, I turned to the mirror seeing one car drift off the road and fell off the road into the ocean. And then an explosion came up making us jump.
"Shit!! Theres still one more!!" Muslim yelled as I looked at him.
"Shoot the tires!" I yelled as Muslim popped his head out and pulled his gun facing the car behind us. I heard him shoot and then I looked in the mirror. One of their tires popped making them slow down and stop. I stepped on the pedal making us speed up and get away from them. Once we were miles away from them, I went back to normal speed.
"Who are those people?!?" Muslim asked as I looked at him.
"Fright. A highly trained and deadly facility filled with agents who kidnap children from rich families and make them one of their soldiers. You and 5 others are their next targets" I said as Muslim panted.
"Why us?!?" Muslim asked as I sighed.
"So that your parents can give them the money they need to build a weapon that could infect this whole world" I said making Muslim gulp.

I've received calls from Kirk and John saying they've been attacked by a few fright agents. Thats Three times on our first day of the mission! I sighed.
"Hey what time do you guys have to go home?" Katherin asked as I shrugged.
"I'll get going around 9:30pm" I said as Jewel and Kylah nodded.
"Hey let's go to my game room. It's downstairs" Katherin smiled making me smile.
"Sure I'll catch up, I have to make a phone call" I said as they nodded and headed out of the room. I took a deep breath and then took my bag from the side of the bed and placed it beside me. I opened it up and opened the secret compartment pulling out a pistol. I lifted my shirt seeing a black strap around me. I slid the gun in the strap and then pulled my shirt down. I looked around at a few more gadgets seeing 2 tiny small disks. One glowed Blue and the other glowed red. There were 4 more of them inside the bag. I put 2 of them in the strap, red and blue. And then I took out 3 ninja stars. I then heard footsteps outside. I gasped. I closed my bag quietly and then stood up making my way out the door. I had my hand on the handle of the gun. I looked around the halls and then I looked straight forward towards the balcony. I could see the big pool from the balcony, I looked down seeing 7 men in black walking around. I gasped. I stepped back.
"Oh shit" I muttered and then I took a deep breath and started to run. I jumped up and over the balcony down I went. I ended up landing on one of the men's back. I gasped as he spun around. I held him in a choke and then I elbowed the side of his neck making him fall. I stood up and looked forward seeing the rest of the 6 men look at me.
"oh shit" I said again as they all ran towards me. I stood in my stance as one of them kicked making me duck down and come back up again. I punched his stomach and then spun around and kicked them to the side. The next one came with a punch making me block it and punch his chin up then I kicked his chest forward making him fly back. I looked at the next one. He pulled out a sword making me whine.
"Oh come on!" I said as he lifted his sword up with 2 hands on it and then swung down making me jump to the side and I ran up towards him and I climbed onto his back and choked him. He dropped his sword and tried to pull my arm out. Then I felt someone punch me in the back making me grunt. I kicked him behind me making him fall back. I then pulled the guy back making me let go once he was on top of me and then he fell back behind me. I looked around seeing 2 more come towards me with swords. I picked up the sword and blocked theirs with it as they swing their blade towards me. I looked at the other person and saw him swing the sword at me from under my feet so I jumped making the guys cut the others guys legs. He screamed making me push my sword up, his sword flew up and out of his hands. I then elbowed his chin and then I kicked the other in the chest. I panted and dropped my sword. I looked around. But then I heard a few people gasp making me turn to the door. There stood the three girls, Kylah, Jewel and Katherin that just witnessed my true identity.

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