The next day, Mom parked up in front of the building at 7:00 sharp. I got out of the van and followed her inside once more. I had remembered my way around the building and I had used the ID card Mr. President gave me to get through the hallways. I made it to the steel door making me take out my card and swipe it down on the scanner and then it opened. I walked in and jogged down the stairs. I saw General Don standing beside the meeting table looking down at some papers. I greeted him.
"Morning General-" but then he demanded me.
"Get to the change rooms now!" He demanded as I jumped and jogged to the locker room door in a very quick pace.Once I walked in, I saw the boys were shaking. I looked at the door and back at the guys.
"What's up with General?" I asked as they shook their heads.
"He went strict, he's going full on, GENERAL STRICT" I said as they nodded.
"Well we're gonna have to get used to it. We are in the government army now so" Will said as I nodded. I walked over to my locker and opened it taking my uniform out.I came out of the change room with the boys following. We stood in one line in front of General.
"Now today, things have changed. We are starting training right away, Mr. President wants you kids to be trained as soon as possible so we can show you guys, the surprise" he said as we all looked at him.
"Surprise sir?" I asked as he nodded.
"Yes, now!" He said as he stomped his foot on the ground.
"Time for training to start" he said as we spoke.
"Yes sir!" We said in unison as he walked towards the big ring with a big circle mat on the floor. We followed and then stood at the end of the mat making General stand in the middle of the big mat.
"Today, we work on your self defence. Don't always rely on your weapons, you have your arms, legs and your head. Use them, they are very much more useful than your weapons" he said as he gestured Kirk to step forward. He stepped onto the cushion mat and stood in front of General.
"You ready?" He asked but Kirk reacted in shock.
"What?" He said as the general pulled his hand back behind his back and he held his other hand in front of general. Kirk was bent over while general was now beside him with Kirks other arm in front of his stomach while Kirks other hand was behind his back.
"Now rule number one, don't talk, just do it" he said as Kirk grunted and then he pulled his body up and then ripped his hand out of his grip and dropped down and kicked his leg out, about to trip general but general held his foot and then pinned him down.
"Rule number 2, think first before you do it," he said as Kirk grunted and patted the Mat making general get off him.
"Get back in line lieutenant" he said as he walked back in line with us.
"Now I have read all your files during your training in military school, you have a really good understanding of self defence but, there are a few weakness for all of you. Eunice, since you have passed the self defence training in military school with a B, would you please help me demonstrate" he asked as I walked over in front of him.
"Now you don't rely on your mind to tell you when to hit, you have to let your body react to it, for example" he said as I saw him about to kick me until I flipped back and got into my stance. My knees bent and far apart, my front hand down and my other hand beside my cheek in a fist.
"Good, see how she gets into her stance now, when you are gonna start a fight, never let them go first, you must always strike first!" General said as I ran towards him and began to punch him making me react and block them and then he shot back a punch on my chin making me grunt and shake my head. I got back in my stance.
"Sorry about that. At ease" he said as I stood up straight.
"Punching is a good way to knock them out, kicking it one as well and the most important one is blocking or dodging. Now Eunice didn't block that time which I really apologize for. Now I need to test each of your reflexes and make them faster so that you don't have to think about it. John step forward" he said as John did making General look at me. I nodded and then stood in front of John.
"Oh come on I cant hit a gir-" he said as I punched him across the face. He looked at me.
"Don't be so gentle" I smiled as he looked at me and then he strikes back with a punch but I blocked his punch catching his fist.
"Next!" General said as John stepped back and then Will stepped forward. I turned to general and then I looked back at him. I took a big step back and I jumped up and spun around for a kick but Will blocked it.
"Well done, next!" General said as Will stepped back making Kirk step forward.
"Having fun there bud?" I asked him as he glared at me. my fist nearly hit his face until he caught it and then he pulled it back behind my back as he had me a hold. He was behind me now holding my hand but then I smirked and bent forward bringing him with me to flip him forward. His back hit the ground in front of me making him groan.
"I had one hand open, I could have elbowed your side" I said as he stood up.
"Back in line" general said as he did.
"You boys are good, if we keep up with the training you will get better, next up. Your strength is powerful, one punch can knock them out or kill them. So you must learn to control your strength. Kick too hard you might break something, kick lightly, it's just a love tap for them." General said as he walked over to a rack of punching dummies. They were soft and they were attached to pole keeping it stiff.
"Kirk punch this dummy" general said as Kirk stepped in front of the dummy. Kirk gave it a punch. Then a few seconds later his mouth dropped open and he held his hand.
"Ow!" He said as General shook his head.
"You punched too hard, punch a bit lighter than that" he said as Kirk flicked his wrist and then he punched the dummy again. He didn't feel anything.
"Good, Will give it a try" he said as Kirk fell back in line making Will stand in front do the dummy. He gave it a punch. Perfect.
"Good, John" he said as Will stood in line making John stand in front of the dummy. He punched it.
"Good job" he said as he fell back in line.~~~
We were now finished for today. It felt good bringing back all the training I've done 5 years ago. I was panting cause of all the lessons we've learned today. Kirk had his arm resting on Will's shoulder cause of how tired he was. John had his hands on his knees looking down.
"Alright, we will go over what we've learned tomorrow ok? Now get to the change rooms, take a shower, oh and Eunice" general said as he handed me blue shower curtains. I looked at him.
"We've set up your own shower in the boys change rooms, the showers are in one room of the lockers and boys!" General said as they looked at him.
"Mess with Eunice in there I will make you run laps around this building" he said as the boys nodded. I chuckled and then headed to the change rooms.I took my normal clothes and a bar of soap and a small bottle of shampoo with the shower curtains and brought it into the shower room near the end of the columns of lockers. I walked in.
In between the shower heads were glass columns separating each shower heads. Shower heads were set around the walls. One corner had rings up above it. That must be my spot. I hung my towel and clothes on the hook beside it an then placed my bar of soap and shampoo in the tiny holder under the shower head. I unfolded the shower curtains and hooked them up to the rings. Once i finished, I was able to pull the curtain open and close. There was a hole at the end of the curtains and then a hook on the wall. I was able to even lock the curtains closed. I smiled.John
Kirk and Will were getting their towels while I waited for them.
"Just go John, you won't even be able to see Eunice" Kirk said as I groaned. Then they walked in before me into the shower room.Eunice
I had finished showering making me put my clothes on and dry my hair with my towel as best as I can. Then I took my uniform and then I unhooked the curtain and slid it open. I noticed the boys taking showers behind the columns. I screamed and then hid back behind the curtains. The guys screamed.
"Oh my god Eunice!" I heard Will yelled as I covered my mouth.
"Maybe a warning would be nice!! Why did general put me in the far corner of the shower room. I muttered to myself as they chuckled.
"Your lucky you have the curtains!" Kirk said as I groaned.
"This is gonna take a long time to get used to" I muttered to myself as I sighed right after.~~~
I listened hearing the guys walk back into the locker room. I peeked out from the curtains making me pull it open and walk out into the locker room and headed to my locker. I put my uniform inside and then closed it. I buttoned up my plaid shirt and then I brushed my hair back and then walked out of the locker room.
"That was weird and awkward" Kirk said as we both nodded. They had towels around their waist making them out a shirt on.
"They need to make a girls locker room, I mean I feel bad for Eunice, she's stuck in a locker room with us" Will said as I nodded.
"Come on we got to get going, we have like 3 minutes to get out" I said as they nodded.Eunice
I was in moms car sitting beside her in the drivers seat. I shivered.
"Cold sweetie?" She asked as I shook my head.
"Remember when I said I had to be stuck in a locker rooms with the boys? Well I had to shower with them in the same room. Thank god general gave me shower curtains." I said as mom chuckled.
"You survived well when you were 10," mom said as I looked at her.
"It's not the same. I was young that time! But with these guys they are like 19-20 years old and I'm only 18! I said as mom laughed.
"Sweet heart as long as you don't look, you'll be fine, but if those guys touch you or even disturb you in the shower, tell general right away" she said as I nodded.
"You know me mom" I said as she nodded.
"So what are you guys learning tomorrow?" Mom asked as I shrugged.
"general only said wake up early and exercise, I think we're being tested but I know I'll be ready" I said as mom smiled.
"Do good tomorrow ok" she said as I nodded.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...