I was reading a book on my phone in this app called Wattpad. I liked to write stories and read from this app when I had nothing to do. These guys had it too making me just follow them and they follow me back. There started to read my stories which made me smile. And then a soft beep sound echoed throughout the room.
"Agents, please proceed to the Training room, the lights in the hall will guide you to the training room, be dressed in your new uniforms, you have 5 minutes" Carmon said as I jumped off my bed and opened my cabinet and took out my new uniform. It was a dark blue shirt and black army pants along with it. And then my new black boots making me take them out. I took my clothes and went to change in the bathroom.I came out seeing the guys all dressed.
"Let's go" I said as they smiled and opened the door by pushing a button on the side. Once we entered the hall, the walls were shining blinking arrows down the hall.
"Mind...blown" Kirk said as we all laughed and jogged forward following the arrows. We turned right leading us to a bigger door than the others. I pulled my card out f my pants pocket and waved it in front of the scanner making it open. We walked in and right away, our mouths dropped open. It was like the smaller version of the base but this one had a bigger fighting space, a row of exercising machines, boxing equipment, everything a gym had. I smiled and saw General standing in the middle of fighting mat. It was way bigger than the one back at USGB.
"Do you guys like this place?" He asked as we all nodded.
"This place is the bomb!" Kirk said as we all laughed. General chuckled.
"Well I'm glad. You guys will now be staying here for this job, since you guys are young, it will be a long stay. You guys are allowed to visit your parents when you are completely free from missions or duties. So anyways, you guys have now settled into your rooms and somewhat gotten to know the place a little better. Now it's back to business. Team work. So we'll try a few tests on how to get you guys to work together. Come" he said as he lead us to the back of the training room and opened a door. Some kind of simulator room. There was a wide window seeing people controlling from the other side.
"Test one, communication" general said as he stepped of the light circle we were standing on and then glass had one up from the ground surrounding us.
"Your Task is to figure out a way to et out of this glass tube" general said as I looked around.
"Does anyone have a pocketknife?" I asked as Kirk held one up and handed it to me. I flicked open the knife part and started to scratch it everywhere on the glass around us making a high pitch screech. The boy covered their ears.
"Will, hang on to me and John ok?" Kirk said as I moved out of the way. John and Kirk stood on both sides of Will and held his arms up making Will lift his legs up.
"Ready..." Kirk said as I counted.
"3...2...1" I said as they ran towards the glass making Will kick the glass making it shatter across the floor. Clapping echoed in the control room making Kirk and John let Will go.
"Good job. Next" general said making him nod right after. Then the ground shook and then the air felt light and then we started to levitate.
"What the fuck?!?!" Kirk asked as General laughed and he was still on the ground while we were all floating in the air.
"Test 2 movement, you guys are falling and you guys as being targeted with bullets," general said as I gasped feeling something skin my arm making me pull it away.
"Ow!" I said as I noticed it was a small pebble.
"Oh my god! Pebbles!" Kirk screamed as a few more blasted out from the walls around us.
"Shit! Will watch out!" Kirk said as he looked at me making me put my arms around my chest then he kicked off from my chest flying across the air and pushing Will away from the blasting pebble. I smiled and then I felt John push me away with him making his grab my arms and pushing me forward.
"Watch out!" He said as we dodged the bullet. I smiled at him.
"Thanks" I said as he pulled off and then Kirk was trying to float towards us in a swimming motion. We laughed as he didn't even move one bit.
"Oh come on!" Kirk said as we laughed.
"Hey! Watch out! John give me a lift!" I said as John pushed my back forward making me fly across the air pushing Kirk forward. He flipped 3 times making us laugh.
"Oh come on! Now I feel sick!" Kirk said as we laughed again. And then I felt the gravity go back to normal. I gasped and looked down.
"Crap!" I said as we fell down hitting the ground. I grunted.
"Ow!" We all said as we stood up hearing the general laugh.
"My arm" I said as Will patted my back.
"Good job. Test two" general said as he gave me a blind fold.
"Boys step off the platform" general said as they did and stood on either side of him.
"Trust" general said as I gulped and took a deep breath. I put my blind fold on.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...