The elevator stopped at the highest floor. It made the ding sound and the doors opened. I walked inside and looked around seeing a line of guests in front of a 2 door room. There was a desk right by the doors and 2 guards on either side of the doors. I put in a tiny ear bud on with no wire. I pressed it.
"Hack into the cameras" I said as Will answered back.
"Already done" he said as I no roomed Kirk and John to sign in first. I looked around this floor. I looked up at the corners of the floors seeing cameras with a red flashing light under the lenses. Then I walked forward and stood in line. Once it was my turn.
"Vanessa Black" I said as the person behind the desk typed a few letters and pressed the enter button. Then he looked at me and smiled.
"Go ahead Ms. Black" he said as I nodded and the 2 guards opened the door for me. Once i walked in, he room was lit. People dancing to music. There was a DJ station on one side of the room. In front was a wide window showing an amazing view of LA. I looked around. I walked through the dancing crowd.
"Any sign of Huston?" I whispered as Kirk answered.
"He's staring at you" he said as I looked around the crowd. Then I spotted him. He looked like a man in his twenties. He had blue eyes and a white smile. Under that small a perfectly drawn jawline. He was wearing a white suit and a gold tie. He was holding a champagne glass in his hand. I looked around pretending I didn't notice who he was.Kirk
Huston was making his way through the crowd towards Eunice who was only one in the red dress. I looked around for John. He was on the other side of the apartment. I nodded at him making him nod back. He started to walk around that side of the room. I was gonna search around but I was scared of what Huston would do to Eunice. I pressed my ear bud.
"Will, keep an eye on Eunice and Huston, whatever bad happens, tell me, and John right away" I said as Will responded back.
"Got it, look around now" Will said as I turned to a small hallway.Eunice
I felt a hand wrap around my waist making me jump a little and turn around. It was Huston, his nose was touching mine.
"Well hello?" He smiled making me look at him. His eyes were in front of mine making me pull off a little bit. I'm only 17 but I look like an adult in this get up. I had red lipstick on and full on make up.
"Excuse me? Is that any way to treat a lady?" I asked as he chuckled.
"My apologies my lady" he spoke in old English. He had a British accent. It was deep and it suited him well. The villains I've watched on the tv screen, you can definitely tell that they are the bad guy Huston here is too obvious. He's one of those good looking traps for girl spies. For me, hell no it's not working. I don't judge guys by their looks.
"It would be my honour to dance with a fine lady like you" he said as I chuckled.
"We may" I said as he held my other hand and started to dance with me in the middle of the dance floor. Hurry up Kirk and John. I can't talk in a fake British accent for long!Kirk
I was looking through every room. Then I heard giggling in one room. It sounding like Jewel, Kylah and Katherin. I opened the door seeing the girls beside three boys. They were about their age. There was a table with 6 glasses on it, only three glasses had champagne in it. I looked closely at the glasses, seeing white substance at the button of the glass. Drugs!
"Excuse me sir? May I help you?" One boy said as the girls giggled. They were loopy.
"Yes." I said as I closed the door and took my blazer off and threw it on the ground. Then I cracked my knuckles.
"Get your asses up here and fight me assholes" I snapped as they recognized me and stood up and ran up to me. I elbowed their cheek and then I grabbed their head and kneed it making him fall to the ground. Then the next on came up to me making me grab their hand and kick their chest making them fly forward and crash through the table. The last one I kicked the side of their stomach and then I punched them straight across the face. I knocked the 3 guys out and then I looked at the girls.
"Jewel, Kylah, Katherin?" I asked as the drugs were still hitting them. I groaned.
"How the hell am I gonna get you girls outta here?" I asked as I looked at the three of them. I took a deep breath.
"I am so sorry or this but I'm sure you won't even remember" I said as I slapped them straight across their faces making them gasp and glare at me. I screamed and fell off the couch keeping them away from slapping me. But they didn't. I sat up from the ground and looked at them.
"What happened?! Jewel! Kylah don't drink the champagne!" Katherin said as I sighed.
"Kirk!" They said as they hugged me.
"Glad you're here! They tired to pair us up with guys that weren't even cute!" Katherin said as I crossed my eyebrows and walked over to one of the boys. They were good looking. I looked at Katherin.
"Katherin, even I can tell you were lying" I smirked as jewel and Kylah laughed.
"Fine! They were...decent! But that doesn't count!" She said as I chuckled.
"How are we gonna get out of here?" I asked as they smiled.
"Just walk out, Huston is too busy with his guests to notice we are leaving." Katherin said as I looked at her and gulped.
"What?" She asked as I sighed.
"Huston is busy with Eunice actually" I said as her face started to turn red in anger.
"Shit" I said as she screamed.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...