There we stood, waiting out in front of the interrogation room back in our base, back in USA. All that action in 3 days! Wow. It seemed pretty long but it was actually pretty short. I was standing beside the boys in a line. Then the door opened, it was General he moved aside and let us walk in. We saw Huston with his cuffed hands on the steel table. Mr. Obama was on the end of the table in front of Huston. I walked towards Mr. President and stood behind him.
"Eunice please-" he said as he stood up but the guards behind him pulled him down.
"Let me go! Let me go!" He struggled but the guards held him still.
"He hasn't said anything until you walked in" Mr, president said making me groan and Kirk shoved me smirking making me roll my eyes.
"Now, Huston? All of your work has be destroyed in the explosion, you will be spending time in in jail for life." Obama said as Huston's eyes widened and stood up.
"FOR LIFE?!?! WHAT?!" He yelled making me jump.
"Yes, you have killed many men in your facility and part of that, you have kidnapped children from very very rich families" Obama said making General gesture the guards to take him out of the room.
"No! No! Let me go! No!" Huston cried out making us all jump as the door slammed shut knowing the guards took him away. Mr. President stood up and turned to us, general walked over to us standing beside mr. President.
"Now, as for you kids, you have strictly did something you were not supposed do." Mr. President said making me look down.
"Sorry Mr. President" me and the boys said in unison. Then I heard General and Mr. President chuckle. I looked back up at them. General opened a box for Mr. President and he took out badges. We gasped. General chuckled.
"You think you guys are going off empty handed?" He asked as Mr. President handed us each a badge.
"Brains" mr. President said as he handed Will his badge.
"Brave" he said as he handed Kirk his badge.
"Bron" he said as he handed John his badge. Then he stood in front of me. He smiled.
"And...Rookie" he said handing me my badge. I smiled and chuckled right after. I felt John pay my back making me glance up at him. Will and Kirk did the same making it end up as a hug.
"WE DID IT!" Will and Kirk screamed as me and John cheered hearing General and mr. President clapping and laughing. Then me and the guys jumped up in the air cheering.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...