"Girls?" I whispered and walked over to them. They gasped seeing us.
"You're here! I thought they killed you!" Katherin said making me shush her. I looked at the cabinet and took out the uniforms. I tossed it to the girls.They put it on over their clothes.
"Ok stay behind us." I said making the girls look at me, worried.
"But you guys look like the other soldiers!" Katherin said making me grunt. I looked around and then spotted Will with the backpack. I smiled and walked over to him. I stood behind him and unzipped the bag. I Ruffled around the bag inside, trying to find something useful. Then I felt tiny pieces of paper in the bottom of the bag. I pulled it out. They were stickers.
"Here, just look on our arms, we will have the stickers," I said making Katherin nod. These stickers were just a plain white colour. The ones you use to fix your paper for a hole punch. I stuck One onto Will, John and Kirk's arm, as well as mine. I turned to the girls.
"Put your mask on!" I said when I spotted Huston walking towards the door out the window. He walked in.
"WHAT?!?! WHEN DID TOU GET HERE?!?" Huston yelled making me gulp. Thankfully I put my mask on with the goggles.
"Just now sir, we found out the girls went missing too," I spoke in my horrible British accent. He screamed and kicked the door.
"What do I pay you for?!?!" He yelled as he left the room, slamming the door closed behind him.
"We don't even work here," Kirk whispered making us all laugh.We made our way out of the room and just in time, there was a line of soldiers jogging down the hall. I gestured the girls to walk in line with us behind them.
Jogging for a few minutes, I saw the exit to the surface making me gesture the guys behind me and move ahead. I turned to the girls and told them to follow the boys. They nodded and jogged after them. I wasnet looking where I was going when I bumped into Huston. I gasped.
"Sorry sir," I said in my British accent again. He stared at me.Kirk
I saw Eunice bump into Huston making me gasp and hide behind the wall. Shit.Huston
I could see through this soldiers eyes. It looked familiar. Then I realized. I pulled the goggles off and saw Eunice gasp. She was about to punch me until I caught her fist and I turned her around and held her in a choke.
"Sneaky girl, where are you going?" I yelled making her grunt trying to get out of my hold. Then a soldier popped out of no where and pointed a gun at me.
"What are you doing soldier?!?" I yelled as he chuckled and pulled the goggles and mask off.
"Sorry sir, I don't work here" it was Kirk making him chuckle.
"Let her go Fancy pants, she's too young for you" Kirk mentioned making me laugh. Eunice was still trying to pull out of the choke.
"ATTENTION!" I yelled as I heard soldiers come up Behind me. Clicks of guns meaning they were pulled up to point at Kirk. His eyes widened and he dropped his gun down.
"Damn" Kirk said making me chuckle. I looked down at Eunice and stroked her hair. I let her loose a little for her to breathe but I held her still not to move.
"Will! Give me the bag!" I yelled seeing 2 soldiers remove their goggles and jog over to kirk. It was Will and John. I chuckled. Will handed him the bag.
"Here, your 20 million dollars"Eunice
"Here, your 20 million dollars." Kirk said making me gasp.
"20 million?!!" I yelled as Kirk shrugged.
"I'm not worth that much!!!" I screamed as Huston gestured a soldier to pick it up and open it.
"Sir there are 20 checks with 1 million in each" soldier said as Huston nodded and The soldier pulled the bag back.
"Now, give us Eunice" Kirk said as I heard Huston chuckle.
"You really think Its that easy?" Huston said making the boys scream. I heard a click on my head knowing a gun was pointed to my head. I gasped.
"Huston! We made a deal god damn it. We gave you 20 mill! Now give Eunice back!" Will yelled making Huston chuckle.
"If I can't have her, no one can" Huston laughed making me push his arm away and turned to him pushing the gun hitting his face, he fell back. 3 soldiers came for me making me turn and run towards the boys. Kirk picked up his gun and started to shoot the soldiers. I ran over to the girls and pushed them ahead to get out of here.
"Eunice! There's a get outside waiting! Get the girls out of here!" Will yelled making me turn to him.
"What?!?! No! I'm not leaving you guys!" I yelled making Will run to me and hold my shoulders.
"Get the girls away from here" he said making me look at him. I sighed and then nodded. I turned and followed the girls out of the base.Will
Eunice ran out to the surface making me turn to the soldiers. Kirk and John walked back to each side of me.
"Let's do this?" Kirk asked making us look at each other.
"Do this together" I said as John and Kirk nodded. We turned to the running pack of soldiers towards us. I picked up a gun and stick from the ground. I spun the stick in my hand and then griped it still making the stick extend.
"Let's finish this" Kirk said making us nod and then we ran towards the soldiers screaming.Kirk
There were way more than 40 soldiers in this one hallway, we knocked out about 10 every minute. Of course there was too many. I then had an idea. I reached into my pocket pull out a bomb. I looked forward to the never ending soldiers running towards us in this hall. I can say this bomb can actually take out all of the soldiers and the entrance into the base. I yelled Will and Johns name.
"Bomb!" I yelled as I stuck the bomb on the wall and pressed 30 seconds. I started.
"Run!!!" I yelled as we ran towards the exit.Eunice
We were up in the air and we slowly flew passed the base. Hallway till we were no where in sight, I felt the whole jet shake hearing the girls gasp.
"Eunice!" Katherin yelled as I put the jet on autopilot. I ran over to the window the girls were look at. The base entrance blew up, orange smoke blasted out of the ground. I screamed making the girls pull me down.
"No!!!! NO! No! No!" I screamed in tears. Making the girls hug me around my back. I cried outing my forehead on the window.
"No! No! No!" I screamed making the girls try and quiet me down.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I heard them whisper making me cry. It's all my fault. My fault. I didn't help them. I didn't stay and wait. No.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...