Undercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...
Eunice Me and the boys walked out onto the surface of our base. Then I heard cars honking. I jumped and screamed making me hide behind the boys. The boys ended up laughing making me stand on my tip toes just trying to look over their shoulders. I saw about 4 cars parked in front of us. The red Ferrari, white Lamborghini, black Audi R8 and a red charger in front of us.
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(Will's Car)
I gasped and walked back out in front of the guys. "How'd you get?" I asked making Keith pull him self out of the car above the windows. The roofs were pulled down so it was open. "We patched it up, while you guys were gone." Keith said and then I saw a boy walk out of the red Ferrari. He had a muscle shirt on and he pulled a towel on his shoulder. His brown hair was combed up into a quiff. He wore blue jeans and his brown eyes looked at me. I smiled then he tossed the keys to me. "So, you guys enjoy you're vacation, we'll call you guys up when General has a mission for you guys." Zack said making me nod. "So, go on ahead, theses are your cars now" Keith said as he hopped out the white Lamborghini. The boys rushed to their cars. I hopped into the drivers seat in my Ferrari and then started the engine. The engine roared making me smile and drive off down the mountain with the guys following behind me.
I stopped on the empty field, I was on a dirt path. I was revving the engine until I saw Will and Kirk pull up on either side of me while John pulled up beside Kirk. They looked at me making me turn my heads on them. They smirked making me smirk back and rev the engine again. "One more race, to make sure we'll see each other again when we get back" Kirk said making me smile. "eat my dust FAM!" I yelled as I blasted forward. "Not fair!!" Will and Kirk yelled along with John making them catch up to me.