I was in the Audi R8 with Jayden and Rencie. Will took a ride with John and Muslim while Eunice took the girls in the Ferrari. I was driving in front of both of them.
"Are serious about facing Huston?" Rencie asked as I shrugged.
"Well we have to step up our game somehow" I said as Rencie glared at me.
"You just drove a white Lamborghini out of a 450 meter tall building. And you're saying you should step your game up? AGAIN?!?" Jayden yelled as I shrugged.
"Kirk you guys are kick ass! I'm surprised the girls jumped out the building along with Eunice! You guys are like...oh my god! Thank the universe we met each other cause you guys are the greatest and aweomenest friends ever. That's not even a word but whatever!" Rencie yelled as I chuckled. Then all the sudden we drove into a tunnel.John
Kirk was ahead of me but then a black cat drove in front of me. I sighed. All I heard was Will typing on his laptop.
"Stupid Car" I muttered at the car in front of me. Then we drove into a dark cave.Eunice
I was behind John but a white car drove in front of me. The hell?!
"Shit" I said as the girls looked forward. Then we all drove into a dark tunnel. I tried to call the guys but there was no signal in the tunnel.
"Crap, I hope we're going left Kirk" I said as I kept driving and turned left to following Johns car in front of the car in front of me?John
We were still in the tunnel and then we saw 3 ways out, I turned right cause I think I could see Kirks car in front of this black one in front of me.Kirk
I kept going straight and I made it out of the tunnel. I sighed and then I looked in the mirror beside me making me smile and look forward to the road. Then my eyes widened making me look in the mirror again.
"WHERE ARE THEY?!?!" I screamed as I opened my Window and looked back.
"Oh shit" I said.Eunice
I made it out of the tunnel and once I did, the white car was still in front of me but I realized, WHERE IS JOHN?!?!?
"Oh shit, " I said as Katherin looked forward.
"Where did they go?!?" She asked as I grunted.
"That stupid car is in the way" I said as I honked the horn 3 times. Then all the sudden someone in black popped out from the roof of the car and brought a Machine gun up with him. My eyes widened.
"Get to the back Katherin!" I yelled as she rushed to the back and then I heard the machine gun fire making the bullets blast through the windows. I screamed as a bullet hit my arm. I turned the wheel to the left and started to swerve left and right trying to avoid the bullets. I was only using my left arm to steer the wheel while my other hand kept me from bleeding.
"Ow" I muttered. But then the girls screamed making me look forward. The car stopped making me scream and try to turn to pass by it but I was too late and I crashed into the car. My sight went black.John
I made it out of the tunnel seeing Kirk wasn't in front of the car in front of me. What?!?
"Where is Eunice?!?" Will asked as he was looking in the mirror beside him. I looked in mine seeing she really was gone.
"Shit!" I yelled as I pushed a button on my ear bud.
"Kirk? Where are you?" I asked as he responded.
"I went straight, where did you guys go?!?" He asked as I groaned.
"There was a car in front of me and I thought you went Right" I said as Kirk grunted.
"Where's Eunice? Eunice?" He said as all I heard were static from Eunice.
"Eunice?" I asked making me jerk my wheel to the left making the car spin and turn back to the tunnel. I stepped on the pedal and blasted back into the tunnel. I came back to the three ways. I went to the left making me see the end of the tunnel. I went faster until I came out of the tunnel. I looked around the road seeing the same red Ferrari Eunice was driving, broken down by the road.
"Oh no" I said as I stopped the car and got out. I ran to the wreckage. The hood was cringed together, the glass had bullet holes in it, the wheels were popped. It looked like she crashed into an other car but, where is the other car? I ran to the drivers door seeing it was ripped out. I looked around in the seats and once I leaned into the car, I touched the edge of the drivers seat and felt liquid. I lifted my hand and looked at the substance. Blood. I gasped and pulled out of the car. I looked at the boys in the car. Will was standing with the door open.
"What happened? Where are the girls?" He asked as he looked at my hand and looked back at me.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...