Undercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...
Eunice The last school bell rang making everyone scream and run out the doors. I packed up all my notebooks and stuffed them into my bag and walked out. The halls were crowed with kids rushing out to go home. I walked down the stairs and reached my locker and opened it. I placed my notebooks inside and kept all my gadgets in the bag and then locked my locker. I walked out out the school doors seeing the everyone running to their cars or walking home. Wow, it's been awhile since I saw this view from high school. I wish I graduated the same time everyone else would but I was just one of those kids that were really smart and lucky. I felt someone jump into my back making me realize it was Katherin. I laughed and walked down the stairs and let her down. "Let's wait for Jewel and Kylah." I said as she nodded and zipped her bag closed. I sat down on the edge of the fountain.
Will John had already started walking home with Muslim while me, Kirk and Rencie were waiting for Jayden to show up. We saw him walk out of the school and look around for us. We waved at him making him nod and jog towards us. "Good lets go Rencie?" I asked a Rencie gulped making him nod. We started walking. These guys were rich right? I bet the big mansions are far from here, or am I wrong?
Eunice About a 30 minute walk, me, Jewel, Kylah and Katherin were still walking. They were getting along great. I stayed back a little making them continue to walk. I pulled my sleeve up and lifted my watch to my lips. "Guys how's it going?" I asked as Will responded. "Well Jayden ended up getting a piggy back ride from Rencie which is hilarious." Will said and then John responded. "Muslim and I are walking to 711" John said making me smile. "Make sure to keep an eye on them carefully and look around" I said as Will responded. "Yes Ma'am" will said as Kirk came on. "Woah woah woah, who's the leader of this team exactly?" Kirk asked making roll my eyes. "Ask that to general" I mumbled as Kirk responded. "I'm gonna do that right now!" He said as I pulled my watch away and caught up with the girls.
We turned to Yale Street seeing many mansions down on either side of the long road. The houses were huge, they were very separated apart by a lot. About 7-10 feet away from each other, many had big pools in front of the mansions, some had amazing big staircases. Katherin stopped in front of a big house with 2 stairs cases curling up to the second floor on each sides it was mainly glass and balconies. It was amazing. There was a huge pool in front of the big house. Roofs were blue while the rest were different tints of white. The lights inside were on and it made the house bright.
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"POOL!" Jewel screamed as Katherin laughed. "Come on, we got to get you guys in comfortable clothes" Katherin said as we smiled at each other and ran around the big pool and into the house.
Will We arrived in front of a big mansion. It had a pool in front of the entrance, the roof was a light maroon and the rest were different shades of brown.
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