I heard an alarm ring making me sit up and turn it off. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. And looked around. I just realized I was in a different room. I thought for a second. Oh yea, I'm staying here at Jewel's house with Kylah, Katherin and Jewel to keep an eye on them. I got off my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and splashed water in my face and then I turned the faucet off and wiped my face with a towel. I looked in the mirror. My face looked horrible. There was a purple bruise on the edge of my lips and I had another purple bruise on my forehead. I groaned. I walked out idling my forehead but then I heard screaming from downstairs and something shatter. I gasped and I grabbed my gun from the table and then sprinted down the stairs. I ran into the Kitchen holding my gun up.
"Hands in the air!" I yelled as I looked closer. It was just Jewel, I looked down seeing a plate smashed on the ground with pancakes all over the floor.
"oh, sorry" I spoke as I put my gun away and held my bruise.
"Oh damn, Your face," jewel said as I nodded.
"Yea" I said as Katherin and Kylah walked into the kitchen.
"Come sit, be a normal person for one hour at least" Katherin said as I chuckled.
"That's not gonna happen" I said as she giggled. I sat down by the dining table. I looked down at my empty plate thinking. Why am I leader? I looked at the girls in the kitchen cooking up breakfast again. They voted me? Does it count? I looked back at my empty plate. Kirk, talks a lot and he's pretty good at directing the team. John is pretty quiet, but when it comes to action, he is like a machine gun. And then Will, he's really smart and he knows what to do in every situation. But what the hell am I good at? I groaned. What kind of a leader doesn't know what she's good at? Well here's one thing about me, I'm not a good fit leader for the team.Will
Me and the boys were eating breakfast. I was sitting in between Muslim and John making me chew my food down. Then all the sudden the leader thought came to me. Would Eunice mind if she was leader? I mean, after all the days I've known her, she seems like the one that would be decent out of us to be the leader. John, he's smart but pretty quiet when there no action happening. Kirk, he's talkative but that's a good trait for a leader, he's good at telling us what to do. Me? I don't even know what the hell Im good at. I feel like the useless one of this team but I realized, I'm another smart one in this team. I feel like this team doesn't need a leader. I mean, together, we would all fit a place as leader.John
This leader thing is spinning around my head. I feel like the votes weren't fair, these kids shouldn't count. I meant they aren't in the team but if I had to choose from our team who the leader should be? I'd choose no one. It's a thought I really didn't care about until Kirk brought it up. Eunice seems like the leader type, Will as well, Kirk too but then me? I don't know. I say no leader, we're better off without one cause we all have our part in this team.Kirk
I felt a little hurt no one in my team voted me as leader. But then I realized. Why do we need one? Oh well cause you've seen in movies that there is always a leader in those spy teams. I thought about my partners in this team. Eunice, John, Will and I. Eunice being smart, fast and agreeable. Will being strong, fearless and trustworthy. John being Loyal, Smart and strong. I kinda wanted to be leader once I thought of it before but then I started to think about my partners, their traits and skills. I groaned making, John and Will groan at the same time as me. I looked at them.
"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" John asked as I shrugged.
"I don't know" I said as they shrugged.Eunice
I stood up from the dining room and then I walked over to the key holder and took the car keys.
"Girls come on, I have something to tell the guys face to face" I said as I heard them turn the stove off.
"Ok let's go" Katherin said as I opened the door and jogged towards the red camaro with the girls following behind me.We drove to Jayden's mansion making me jump out of the car with the girls. We jogged to the entrance making me knock on the door. After a few minutes Kirk opened the door holding a gun in his hand. I looked at him.
"It's me" I said as he lowered the gun and let me and the girls in. I looked at the girls.
"Can you girls sit in the living room for a minute?" I asked as they nodded and walked off. I turned to Kirk.
"Where is John and Will?" I asked as he pointed behind me. They walked towards us.
"Ok so, I've been thinking. Maybe we should stick with no leader" I started as they looked at me.
"I mean, we are new to this agent thing and I think we should just stick to what we are. We all have something we're good at. Kirk you know your guns and weapons. Will you're pretty good with the technology and Hacking. John you're good at the mission/plan tracker. And then there's me, call me a rookie cause I don't know what the hell I am in this team" I said as they smiled at me.
"Look, this team is perfect without a leader, we have everything we need" I said as they nodded.
"We'll figure out your role cause I'm pretty sure you're not the rookie in this team" will said as they boys chuckled making me roll my eye and chuckle after.

Undercover Agent
AcciónUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...