"Eunice?" Katherin said as they looked frightened making me sigh.
"Who are you?" Jewel asked, my panting grew slower.
"My name is Eunice Dormitorio, and I am a secret agent of USAF. I was sent from USGB to protect you three and three others. " I explained as they were speechless.
"You are the next targets of Fright. And these men, were about to take you" I said as they ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"That was fucking awesome" jewel said as I was shocked. They weren't mad? I hugged them back and chuckled.John
I arrived at Rencie's house making Muslim run to Rencie and Jayden.
"Where is Kirk and Will?" I asked as Rencie pointed inside the house. I ran inside.
"Kirk?! Will?!" I yelled as Kirk and Will sprinted down the stairs.
"What the fuck happened?! Your arm!" Kirk yelled as I crossed my eyebrows and looked down at my arm. It was bleeding.
"Oh shit" I said as they looked at me.
"I got into a race with Fright. Muslim knows our secret and I'm sure Rencie and Jayden know now when me and Muslim got here." I said as they looked at each other.
"It's our first day on this mission and we already witnessed the fright agents." Will said as I shrugged.
"It's obvious we got this mission at a late notice" Kirk said as we looked at him.
"No shit Sherlock?!" Me and Will yelled as Kirk jumped. Then we heard Rencie, Muslim and Jayden walk in.
"So yo guys are the agents?" Rencie asked making us nodded.
"You got to tell me how you fucking use a gun" Jayden said as we chuckled. Then I heard my watch beep making me pick it up.
"Hello? Keith?" I asked as he answered in a big fright.
"John?! Where is Eunice and the girls?!" He asked making me jump.
"at Katherin's house why?" I asked as Keith gasped.
"Fright agents have planted Bombs throughout that house!!!" He yelled as I gasped.Eunice
I was in Katherin's room taking my bag. The girls were beside me. But than My watch beeped making me pull off the hug and answer it.
"Hello? John?" I asked as all the boys answered.
"EUNICE!!!! TAKE THE GIRLS AWAY FROM THERE NOW!!" They yelled I crossed my eyebrows.
"THERES A-" I was interrupted by Katherin.
"Do you hear that?" Katherin asked as I listened. Tiny beeping, I followed the sound it led me behind a wall. Then I gasped seeing a black bomb planted on the wall making me run.
"RUN!!" I yelled as they ran ahead making me run behind them. I pushed them to run out of the room and then told them to jumped off the balcony, they did making them land safely and We ran until halfway of the pool and already the house all blew up behind us making us all fly up forward and hit the ground. I hit the ground hearing ringing in both ears. I pushed myself up to stand and saw the girls laying on the ground with their heads bleeding. I stood up and ran over to Katherin.
"Katherin? Katherin? Wake up!" I yelled as I shook her shoulders. Jewel and Kylah were too. I started to panic and then I looked at the pool. I carried their bodies and threw them into the pool making the water splash all over my body. They all swam up gasping for air.
"Jesus! You scared the crap outta me!" I yelled as they swam towards me and pulled themselves out. I hung my bag properly on my back and then I wiped my head and looked at my hand.
"Crap" I said seeing blood on my hand.
"Come on," I said as I told them to walk forward towards the road.John
Me, Muslim, Rencie and Jayden were in Muslims car driving over to Katherin's house. We were literally speeding down the road. Kirk and Will borrowed Rencie's car. They were speeding behind us.
We arrived in front of a mansion, or was. Everything was blown up. Keith was there with firefighters putting the fire out and Eunice and the girls were sitting by the pool dipping their feet in. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Kirk and Will did the same and then we all ran towards the girls. Eunice saw us making her stand and run towards us. We all hugged each other.
"You're ok!" I said as we pulled off.
"You scared the shit outta us" Kirk yelled as she chuckled.
"I think that's my part in this team" she said as Kirk glared at her making her look away. Renice, Muslim, Jayden, Kylah, Jewel and Katherin walked towards us.
"So you guys are the agents protecting us huh?" They asked as we stood beside each other and nodded.
"Yup," Eunice said as we shrugged.
"to be honest I actually expected no explosions or any fighting scenes" Kirk said as we chuckled at his comment.
"Great, what am I gonna say to my mom and dad" Katherin said as we shrugged.
"I'm sure our general has contacted them on their business trip" I said as they nodded.
"Ok now that you guys are not safe without us around, Eunice you can stay with the girls" I said as Eunice nodded.
"Ok seriously who is the leader of this team?" Kirk asked as I shrugged.
"Who votes Kirk being leader of this group?" I asked as Rencie raised his hand. Then he put it down.
"Will?" I asked as Jayden and Muslim theirs it up.
"Me?" I asked as no one did. I was fine with it, I'm not capable of being leader.
"Eunice?" I asked as the girls raised their hand and Will raised his along with mine. Eunice's eyes widened.
"Woah woah woah, are these the same guys I've been training with ever since we met?" She asked as we laughed.
"Well that settles it, Eunice is leader of this team" I said as she sighed.
"Well whatever you guys want, so keep an eye on these guys ok?" She said making us nod.
"I'll see you guys later, I'm so tired" Eunice yawned as Muslim tossed her his keys.
"Take my car" Muslim said as Eunice caught the keys. She looked at Muslim.
"Thanks Muslim" she smiled making The girls run towards the red camaro. I looked at the guys.
"Keith has a SUV. Well use that to take us to one of your houses" I said as Jayden raised his hand.
"You guys can stay at my house" Jayden said as we looked at him and nodded.
"Keith! Can we borrow your SUV!?" I yelled.

Undercover Agent
ActionUndercover spy goes to high school grade 11. She was sent to watch over a few kids from rich families. Their parents hired her to keep an eye on them and protect them from getting killed by F.R.I.G.H.T, a secret army that kidnap rich kids to get mon...