Getting Prepared

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I was sleeping soundly until a buzzer came on making me sit up and look around.
"Everyone meet in the Gadget Room" Carmon said as I yawned and jumped off my bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned the sink on and washed my face.

I was all dressed in my uniform making me come out of the bathroom. The guys were all changed.
"Come on" I said as they yawned and shook their heads waking them up.

We walked down the halls following the blinking arrows. Until we stopped at a door. I waved my card in front of the scanner. The doors opened making my mouth drop open. Walls with gadgets hanging, small weapons as well. There were racks with other new kinds of gadget and weapons. It was awesome. We spotted General standing in the middle of the room. He had 4 pairs of big bags in front of him. We stood in front of him.
"Morning agents." General said as he smiled.
"Today you guys head off to complete your mission. You guys will be staying at our weapon handler Keith Higgins. He just moved into a house near the high school. One bag is filled with your clothes and the other is filled with you useful gadgets. Keith will give you the rest of the needed equipment. Eunice, since you have the brief case, you will probably need to bring it, if you wanna know more about those kids. Good luck and don't let F.R.I.G.H.T take those kids. Their parents are counting on us to count on you." General said as we nodded. Carmon handed me my bags.
"Don't want the guys to have girl clothes don't they?" Carmon smirked as I chuckled.
"Thanks Carmon." I smiled as she nodded and gestured us to follow her. We walked to the back of the gadget room making her press a button opening the doors.
"Here is your way up to the surface. There will be a jeep to drive you guys to Keith's house." Carmon said as she smiled. I looked at her.
"Is Keith your boyfriend?" Kirk asked as we all looked at him making Will elbow his stomach. Carmon chuckled.
"I'm afraid that's classified Kirk" Carmon said as Will shoved Kirk into the elevator. I was behind the guys. I looked at Carmon.
"Is he? I'm sorry to ask but" I whispered as she chuckled and smiled.
"Yes, don't tell the boys" she whispered and winked right after making me smile at her and I entered the elevator. The doors closed making Carmon wave as we started to fly up.

The elevator stopped and we reached the surface. I looked around and smiled. There was a Wrangler Unlimited SUV waiting for us. It was a black one.

"SHOT GUN!" I yelled as the guys raced me to the SUV

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"SHOT GUN!" I yelled as the guys raced me to the SUV.

The drive was so long. Took about an hour to get to a big housed neighbourhood. The SUV stopped in front of a Big house. A garage attached on the side.

I opened the door and jumped out

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I opened the door and jumped out. I held one bag around my shoulder and the other one in my hand. I closed the door and then I walked up to the door. The boys followed behind me making me knock on the door.
"Hold on!" Someone called inside the house making us wait a few seconds. The door opened seeing a guy somewhere in his twenties. He had dirty blonde hair and his jawline was amazing. He smiled at us making me
Smile back. He had blue eyes and he was pretty tall. I can see why Carmon chose him.
"Hi guys, how can I help you?" He asked as I took out my ID and showed it to him then he nodded and let us in. I walked in, everything was neat and tidy. I walked into the living room and stood near the couch.
"Come, you guys cannot be seen, I don't trust this neighbourhood" he said as we followed him down the hall and stood in front of a door. He pushed the side of the door making a square block push through the wall and then I heard a big clang sound. The windows have been covered with led and the door open making the guy walk to the door. The room was dark until I heard a switch turn the room lights on. Instead of a normal light in a bedroom, blue holograms and touch screen walls and desks lit up the rooms making us gasp.
"So you guys are the new young agents eh?" The guys said as he walked over to one side of the table.
"Yes" I said as we followed him.
"well, as General said, I'm Keith, nice to meet you all. Although I expected another girl on this team" Keith said as the boys laughed. I glared at them making them shut up and clear their throat.
"So anyways. Your names?" Keith asked as the boys stood up.
"Kirk" Kirk said as Keith nodded.
"John" John said as Keith nodded making him look at Will.
"Will, sir" he said as Keith nodded making him now look at me.
"Eunice" I smiled making him nod.
"So, school starts in 2 hours, and we have to get you guys loaded up" Keith said as he smiled and he walked out of the room and he walked us up the stairs. He led the guys into separate rooms making him out me in a separate room as well. As I walked into my room Keith showed me to the plain wall. He smiled at me and then he tapped the wall making the wall flip over seeing guns, gadgets and protective wear. My eyes widened.
"Here are your things." He said as I smiled.
"thanks" I said as he smiled.
"You guys are in school uniforms. Your uniforms have built in bulletproof fabric so you don't need to worry. You can fit small gadgets inside your bag and small weapons. So get ready. Your bag has secret compartments in it so you can hide you gadgets and weapons inside and then you can put your school stuff inside." He said as I nodded making him leave the room. I placed my bags on the bed and opened the clothing bag. I pulled out the school uniform.
"Oh hell no!!!!" I said as I groaned right after.

Keith told me everything about the backpack and uniform. The gadgets and weapons and all. I wore my uniform making me fix my sleeves. Then I looked in the mirror. I looked on the desk under the mirror making me put on a wrist watch. It was touch screen. And then there were a pair of glasses making me out them on. The rims of the glasses had touch screen buttons but I can tel which is which apart from that, I looked like an ordinary school kid. I took my school ID making me put it in my pocket and then I took my backpack and hung one strap on my shoulder and then I left my room. I saw Kirk and John as well in the same uniform as me, They had glasses as well making me nod at them. Then I heard a door open making us turn to it. We saw Eunice in her school uniform. A shirt and a long sleeve white button shirt. He had he hair down and her glasses were on. Her skirt was a dark blue like our uniforms. She had long socks on until her knees and she was wearing white flats. We covered our mouths from laughter. She rolled her eyes.
"Ha ha funny, let's go." She said as we laughed following her down the stairs.

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