How it all began

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I never knew who my parents were. People grow up with their parents always there for them, feeding them meals, and giving them all of the love they had to offer. My childhood was way different from other kids because of something as small as this. Who they were was always a mystery to me, and my step parents didn't tell me anything. I didn't know why they wouldn't say anything, but maybe they didn't want me to know, or they didn't know themselves.

     As I apparently didn't even have any other known family members to take me in, I was taken to an orphanage and the Chang's adopted me. They were nice and all and it was kind of funny watching them struggle with the New York ways and stuff, but it was just so obvious that I was adopted. They were Chinese and I didn't know what my true culture was but it was probably, well, not that. I don't mean to be racist but it's the truth. While they had squinty eyes, black hair, and tan-ish coloured skin, whereas I had large eyes, light brown hair, and a lighter tone of skin. It was like I was a Greek from England, or something like that, so I just didn't fit in with them. When I went out in public with them, people kept asking me if I was lost because, well it just didn't seem possible for me to be with this Chinese couple.

     At first they were just a couple, but at age 5 it was as if they decided that having an adopted child wasn't enough so my stepmom was pregnant with a child of her own. A kid who they loved, and gave their hearts to. She was always the star of the show, and I was simply just the custodian who had to clean up after all of the acts and stay in the background, unknown. They had decided to name her Chelsea. Yes, Chelsea Chang.

How she ended up with the name Chelsea and I ended up with Mousiki? Well, I asked about that. Apparently, when Mrs. Chang adopted me, I didn't come with a name or anything like that so she tried to name me Caroline. Just imagine. Caroline Change. The horror. But, when I learned to talk, my first sentence was "I like the sun", which they thought was totally random but, then my second sentence was "My name is Mousiki". They kept telling me that it was Caroline but I insisted it was Mousiki and I started writing it on walls and books with crayon. They were beginning to get really annoyed with this Mousiki nonsense but, it was time for me to start going to school by then and when they signed me up as Caroline Chang I had a major tantrum. Trust me when I say major.

It wasn't just a small one like knocking down couches and stuff. That's nothing compared to what I did. My stepmom told me it all, but I don't remember much of it since there was too much to remember. She told me that I had somehow managed to get my step parents' bed into the lake which was 2 blocks away. They said that I had also managed to throw the couch into the back yard and somehow got hold of a lighter and lit the couch on fire. I had also smashed all of the plates on the wall and floor, which created a lot of scratches. Some of the dishes hit our fish tank, which actually smashed when I hit it with the mug. Water came pouring out and the fish did die. My step parents were yelling at me, but I kept going. I just kept doing stuff like taking the front door off our house, and sometimes I think that my stepmom was just exaggerating because how could a four year old even manage all of that?

She eventually grew tired of my behaviour, and couldn't find a way to stop me. She tried it all. None of it worked, so in the end she simply asked me how to get me to stop. I had told her that my name was Mousiki, and I think at that point, she realized how important that name was to me. So That's the story of my name. I never really researched it or anything, I just stuck with it. I honestly didn't even know if it was a name but hey, all of those names in the Greek myths and stuff sound crazy and more like gibberish to me, so I'll just be one of them.

Hmm, Greek myths, that reminds me, I should get on task. So in kindergarten and stuff, things didn't really matter since back then all kids were trouble makers and causing trouble in school, people thought it was just natural but by 5th grade I had been kicked out of 3 different schools. I tried really hard in school, I really did, but it just didn't seem like something I was made for. I think grade 4 and 5 were really important because those were the years I discovered my love for Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. I would just go on and on about those books for hours. Despite what the books said about being a witch or a demigod I still wanted to be one so badly. It was the last day of school and I got home and went to my room where lay for a bit. I now had been kicked out of 4 schools. But being kicked out of this school wasn't as bad as when I was kicked out of the others. I managed to stay until the very last day, so it would just seem like I moved over the summer to the other kids. The question was where I was going to go next.

That was when that weird kid that never participated in gym came barging into my house and told me to pack my things. I was about to ask why, when I looked out the window and saw a big man with one eye, a Cyclops. Then I realized what was happening. Wait, was I really getting taken to camp? Camp half-blood? Well I'd better snap out of this quick because if this is real, then that means that this could be the day of my death. I quickly grabbed a random backpack lying around, and stuffed all of my Percy Jackson books since I figured these may be the most important things if I'm going to camp half-blood. I also grabbed the Harry Potter series, for I can't imagine living without them. The weird dude was watching me and looked a bit confused as to why I was packing books, but he didn't question it.

"C'mon, lets go. Like, now." He said.

I nodded and followed him out of my house. We ran down the street and all the way to the park, where there was apparently a chariot being pulled by Pegasi, just parked right there in the open. I quickly got in the chariot and marvelled at the Pegasi as we took off. This was definitely the coolest day of my life.

We arrived at camp at about 4:30pm. So enough time for me to take a shower and look around a bit. Camp wasn't really how I imagined it in my head but it was definitely one of the coolest places ever. The weird dude who didn't even introduce himself to me just took me to the big house to.. NO FREAKING WAY!

  It was Chiron and Mr.D! They talked to me and told me where everything in camp was, like the cabins, and the mess hall, and such, but I'll never remember Chiron's exact words. It was just so cool. I mean actually being in camp Half-blood. Come on people how cool is that! I got cleaned up and checked out some of the campers.

  I saw Silena Beauregard, Luke Castellan, and.. Woah, that was Annabeth Chase. I mean like the Annabeth Chase. She wasn't as pretty as Percy described in the books but that was just what she looked like in his eyes. I mean, he said that her hair was curled like a princess's. To me Annabeth Chase looked like the girl you definitely did not want to mess with. To me, her hair didn't really match up with a princess's because well, princesses are all girly and would have their hair perfect and stuff, and I can even imagine sparkles in a princess's hair. I would also imagine that they'd be pulled into something fancy and confusing. But I'm thinking of like a cartoon princess. I've never actually seen a real life princess so I guess I don't really have any say in anything. I think she noticed me staring at her but she just kindly waved me over.

"Hi, you must be the new girl. The name's Annabeth." She said. It was weird hearing her talk since in my head she had my voice since I was the one who read it.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Mousiki." I said looking downwards when I said my name.

"Mousiki, that's a unique name. Makes your parent pretty obvious though." Annabeth said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well I mean, I could always be wrong. We can't tell for sure until you're claimed." She said, not really telling me anything.

    "Annabeth! Give me some real information!" I laughed.

    "Your name, it's exactly like a Greek word. That word means music." She explained.

Then it hit me. Music, Greek, my first words as a baby even. My father was the God Apollo.

I feel bad, that was a really short chapter for one of the first but I promise that the others will be longer. 

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