The blank girl.

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Madison Keravno Williams

    "Woah woah, what the fuck?"

    Mousiki was standing there. She was standing, and she wasn't frozen in that weird frozen position that she's been in for the pas few months or however long it's been. I didn't understand, but it didn't take me long to figure out that it was wrong. She wasn't really Mousiki. There was something wrong with her eyes. I didn't know who this was, not really.

    I whipped my wand out, and aimed it at everyone in the room one by one. Something wasn't right, and I needed answers. It started at Fred, but then I saw his facial expression and knew immediately that he had nothing to do with this. I then changed my target to Mousiki, but she was clearly innocent, so I left my wand pointed at Madame Pomfrey.

    "What have you done to her?" I asked in a tone that clearly showed that if her answers didn't satisfy me, she would be the one on one of these hospital beds, needing to be healed.

    What she did surprised me. Instead of answering the question in a calm tone like I expect from most people, in a fraction of a second, she had gotten out her own wand, and had me disarmed, and now I was the one who had a wand pointed directly between my eyes.

"Oh, okay, I see," I said, putting my hands up. "But I still expect you to answer my questions."

    "Fair enough." Said Madame Pomfrey as she tucked her wand away, and handed mine back to me.

    I looked at her questioningly. She had me where she could do whatever she wanted with me, and she just says 'fair enough' and gives my wand back? I didn't really understand, but I wasn't mad at it cause I had my wand back now.

    "I could get fired," she explained. "And these students need me right now."

    This woman really did care about the safety and health of the students here, but at the moment, all I really needed was to know about Mousiki. Other things could wait. But then I decided that if she could calm down, then I should calm down as well. Fred placed a warm hand on my shoulder, and I turned to him, and looked into his eyes. They were so reassuringly beautiful. My heart rate began to slow down, and I finally turned and faced Madame Pomfrey without any anger this time.

She saw that I was now calm and nodded. She gestured for me to follow her, and as I followed her, Fred stayed behind.

"She's your best friend," he said. "Not mine. I shouldn't be knowing things about her that I shouldn't know."

I walked over and grabbed his hand, and dragged him along.

"I trust you, and in a time like this, you are not leaving me." I said in a strong tone.

He nodded, and held my hand as we followed Madame Pomfrey to wherever she was taking us. We went to the back of the Hospital Wing and through a pair of doors into a small sort of private area with a couch, a coffee table, and a rocking chair. I never knew this room existed, but I guess there has to be some place where Madame Pomfrey can go to relax, while staying close enough to her patients. She sat down in the rocking chair, and Fred and I sat down on the couch.

"So," I said awkwardly. "What, uh, happened to her?"

She studied my face, and looked to Fred, then back to me, and knew that I wasn't going to try anything else. Now, I was calm and would listen to her story with patience, and if I didn't, then Fred was here and he could hold me down.

    "Before I tell you, before you barged in, you should've told me that he was injured." she said.

    "What?" I said dumbly.

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