Deadline: April 1st

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Madison Keravno Williams

I was still trying to make it up to Fred, but this kid was never alone! That day in the hall, I had been so ready, but then Neville had to come bursting through the portrait hole after I had only said a word, and ran down the hall screaming about Lee Jordan's pants on fire. Of course, Lee and George had set him up to prank Fred unknowingly, so Fred went running in, leaving me all sad and lonely.

Now you see, the world really hates me. Every time I try to talk to Fred, he's either with someone else, or something strange happens that shoos him away. We never get a chance to be alone, just the two of us! Well, I don't mean in that way... let's relax, only 13 years old here.

Oh yeah! I completely forgot! My birthday was earlier this month... It was currently March 31st, and my birthday was on March 8th. Wonder how I could've missed such a thing. Well, guess I'm 13! No one else seemed to remember either. I suddenly felt very sad at the thought of it. I didn't receive any presents, or birthday wishes. But then again, I don't think I told anyone about my birthday either so I shouldn't be that disappointed. But I thought Mousiki would've remembered - wait never mind, Mousiki isn't really available.

Speaking of birthdays, shoot! Fred's birthday was tomorrow. But talking to him tomorrow would be really dangerous. A life lesson to everyone should be to never approach one of the Weasley twins on April fools Day. It won't end well for you. But I really wanted to make things better with Fred before his birthday tomorrow. Then, things wouldn't be all awkward when I tried to give him his present. That's right, I got him a present when we weren't even on good terms. I think I deserve some good girlfriend points here.

Thinking of April Fools day gave me flashbacks of memories of the pranks we had all pulled as a group. Mousiki included. However, I had sworn to not prank without Mousiki, and even though I didn't swear to the river Styx, I just still didn't want to do it. But there was another thing - if you weren't a prankster, you were often the person getting pranked. That was fine by me though, since I didn't really have much going for me in my life at the moment.

Woah, my thoughts just flew off topic. Umm, what was I thinking about? What month is it? OH LOOK A BUNNY!

I was currently sitting in the Hogwarts courtyard, with an unfinished essay, and a quill in my lap. Ohhh, that's what I was doing. I jumped up, dropping everything, probably spilling ink all over my essay, which was written horribly anyways, and ran to chase the bunny that was running across the courtyard. I felt like toad in one of those super Mario games as I chased the rabbit, and gained on him with my incredible speed and long legs. But toads don't have long legs. As I caught up to the bunny, the bunny made a dramatic turn, and I didn't have time to turn with him since I was going at top speed, so I did what I do best. I crashed into the wall.

One moment, I was running, feeling the wind in my hair, but the next, I just felt pain, and I was lying in grass. That's also basically a summary of my life. I groaned, as I rolled over in the grass, and slowly got up. It could've been worse. The cat could've escaped. Wait, was I chasing a cat? No, I was chasing a bu - bu - a butterfly! And I caught it, right mom? I opened up the palms of my hands, and they were empty.


Holy Hera, how hard did I hit my head on that wall? Did I really just say 'gosh darn'? You know you're insane once you've said that. It doesn't matter how much you hallucinate, or if what you're saying doesn't make any sense - that's all normal! But, once you've said the words 'gosh darn', well, you're a goner.

I curled up into a ball, and began to rock back and forth in place. My head was down, and my hands were over my ears. I tried to ignore the things I heard through my hands, which weren't doing a very good job at blocking the sound from my ears.

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