being ill sucks... literally. part 2

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Being ill sucks…literally


“It’s the mating pull” Liam told the boys. They all nodded and looked at me. I glared at him and he looked at me confused.

“You gave me a whole speech on it and they 4 words, that’s not fair” I told him. He shrugged and looked at the boys.

“When should we start” zayn asked. Liam looked at me and I shrugged. A pain tore through me, it hurt more than the last time and I couldn’t hold back my screams anymore. The pain lasted for about 3 minutes. Throughout that time I couldn’t stop screaming.

“We need to start soon, (Liam shook his head) Liam it will kill her. We can’t lose her please” Niall begged stroking my head.

Liam looked at me and sighed. “Fine, we need to decide an order” Liam told us. Everyone looked at me and I shrugged. Harry stood up. “I’ll go first” harry told them. The boys nodded and left the room. Only me and harry in the room.

New chapter

Harry walked over to me and sat next to me. “This will hurt, but it will make you better. I promise kitty” harry told me. I nodded and he set me on his knee. He moved my hair out of the way. “It’s ok” I whispered. He bit down on my neck and I felt my life being drained out of me again. But slowly the pain faded and I just felt happy. He pulled away from my neck and bit his wrist. “Drink” he told me. I brought it up to my mouth and drank some. Harry smiled at me and walked out of the room.

In walked zayn…

I smiled at him and he sat me on his knee too. “Are you ready cupcake” he asked me. I nodded and he bit down straight away. This time I felt happy straight away. I felt weak again and fell against his chest. He pulled away and then bit his wrist. He brought it to my mouth and I drank some. But I still felt really weak. Zayn kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

Niall walked in next…

He sat next to me and looked at me concerned, “Are you ok” he asked me. I nodded and he put me on his knee. He gave me a I-don’t-believe-that-for-a-moment look. I sighed. “I just feel a little weak” I told him. He nodded. “Ready” he asked me. I nodded and he bit into my neck. When he pulled away, I felt woozy and tired. Niall bit his wrist and put it to my mouth.  Drank the blood! It was awesome <----- note the sarcasm <-----J. “Niall I don’t feel so good” I told him. He looked at me. “It’s part of the process, just try and stay awake ok princess” he told me. I nodded and he left the room.

In walked Louis.

He ran over and gave me a hug. “HI CARROT” he shouted. I smiled at him and he put me on his knee. “Hi Louis” I told him softly. He frowned at me and then noticed I was tiered. He then nodded and bit down. I felt weaker and sleepier with every ounce of blood taken. So tiered I couldn’t bask in the happiness of the bite. He pulled away and bit his wrist. I drank the blood. <----- still not liking the blood thing. Its gross don’t try it. My eyes drooped and Louis noticed. “LIAM HURRY, SHE’S GOING TO PASS OUT SOON” Louis shouted. I looked at Louis and whimpered tiredly.

He stroked my hair and Liam came in.

Louis handed me to Liam and walked out. “Come on Charlie you can sleep soon” Liam told me. I nodded and he bit into my neck. I closed my eyes. He pulled away from my neck. “Charlie come on, open your eyes for me” he told me. I opened my eyes a little. He put his wrist to my mouth and I drank a little of it. “Come on a little bit more” he encouraged. I drank a little more and fell asleep.

It felt nice to give in to the darkness.

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