niall's family

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Niall’s family

3rd person

If you ask someone who didn’t have a mate then they would say a mate is just a mean to survive. But ask someone who has a mate; they would say there mate is there world. No one could ever replace their mate.

If you lost your mate, your world would collapse and you would die as you had nothing to live for.

Niall’s point of view

Looking over at Charlie’s motionless body attached to the machines. I let a tear fall. Why does this always happen to me, aren’t I supposed to be lucky like a leprechaun or something. “Everything will work out niall” a female voice from behind me called.

I turned around and saw my mum and brother, “what are you guys doing here” I asked another tear slipping down my face.

My mother rushed over to hug me and Greg looked over at Charlie. “She’s a pretty’en niall” Greg told me.

I smiled at him and nodded in agreement. My mother walked over to Charlie and stroked some stray hairs out of her face. She then turned and smiled at me. “So tell me how you met her and how this happened” she told me sitting in the other chair next to Charlie’s bed.

I sighed. “Well it all started when…

Flashback (it’s how the boys found Charlie’s scent)

Niall’s point of view

 Running past a small school a luscious smell met my nose. I ran to the window and Saw a girl around13 with brown hair, I couldn’t see her face, so I tapped on the window, she turned around and I gasped. She had green eyes but what made them different were the golden specks in them. It was obvious she hadn’t spotted me because she just shrugged and turned away, just as her friend called her. “Charlotte hurry up, we’re going to be late for lunch” a girl I couldn’t see shouted.

“Mate” I whispered even though no one could hear me. Charlotte what a beautiful name, I turned my back just as charlotte retorted. So I didn’t hear her retort.  

I ran back to the house and slammed the door open. Liam looked at me with a frown. “Come on niall we’ve just go the door fixed” he scolded me.

I frowned at him and then shrugged it off. The rest of the boys came into the room and smiled at me. “In trouble again niall” harry asked me.

I shrugged and began bouncing around the room, the boys looked at me confused and Louis pushed me into the wall. He then sat down on the couch and laughed at me whilst I groaned in pain. “I found our mate” I gasped.

Liam sped over and helped me up. “You what?!” he asked me in a harsh voice.

I nodded and the boys all smiled.

“What’s her name” harry asked me.

“Charlotte” I answered.

“How old does she look?” Liam asked.

“13-14” I estimated.

“What does she look like” Louis asked me.

“She has brown hair and green eyes that are so beautiful; they have golden specks in them. Her eyes are too beautiful to put into words” I told the boys.

“Do you think she’ll like us” zayn asked.

I thought for a moment. “I only saw her for a second but I think she’ll be perfect” I told the boys.

The nodded and Liam stood up. “I go get her you guys tidy the spare room up and then tidy the house up” Liam ordered.

End of flashback

Niall’s point of view

I looked up from telling the story; my mother smiled at me and stood up. She walked over and kissed my forehead. “Is she going to be ok” she asked me.

I sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know mum, the doctors are saying that if she makes it past the second day with some improvement then she’ll survive but if she doesn’t then, she might die” I told her my voice cracking at the end.

Mum sighed and hugged me. “I’m sure she’s strong, she’ll make it through this niall, and we will call in all the best doctors for her. She’ll be better I promise” my mother promised me.

Greg nodded in agreement. “She’ll get better, have you got Louis to try and heal her” Greg asked me.

I gasped and shook my head.


I walked over to Greg and pulled him into a guy hug. He laughed. “Greg you are a genius, why didn’t I think of that” I asked him.

He shrugged but laughed. “Because your mate is in the hospital as you were thinking about her more than anything else” Greg told me.

I nodded and the other boys walked through the door. “Mrs H what are you doing here” Liam asked my mum.

Mum smiled and then motioned to Charlie. “The whole community heard what happened and I wanted to make sure you guys were ok?” mum told the boys.

I smiled at her and then looked at Louis. “Hey Louis, why don’t you see if you can heal Charlie” I asked him.

He smacked his hand off his fore head. “How could I forget my own power, I’m so stupid” Louis mumbled to himself.

He walked over to Charlie’s bed and held his hand over her head. Nothing happened. We sighed and Louis’s eyes filled with tears. Then we heard the heart monitor increase. I gasped and ran over to Charlie. “Charlie can you hear me” I asked her.

There was no response. Liam took her other hand. “Charlie if you can hear me squeeze my hand” Liam told her.

I watched the hand that Liam held and saw Charlie’s hand twitch. You could actually feel the tension in the room decrease. I smiled down at Charlie and the doctor came in. “Is everything ok in here” he asked in a smart voice.

We smiled at him. “Charlie squeezed Liam’s hand” we told him.

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