the doctor's visit and a small insight to charlie's life

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  • Dedicated to to everyone who's been reading x

Liam’s point of view

I looked at Charlie; the dream couldn’t have spooked her that much could it. What happened to the strong girl who told us that no matter where you are as long as you have your mates you’ll always be safe?

Well I guess we kind of failed at that one, with the kidnapping and everything

Louis snuck into the room and answered the door. He motioned for the doctor to come in and then walked out of the room. The doctor looked at us confused. “Don’t her other mates want to come in here” the doctor asked.

Charlie looked at him scared and shook her head. “No they’ll hurt me” she whimpered.

Niall hugged her. “She had a nightmare that the others attacked her, it really spooked her” I explained to him.

He nodded and led Charlie to another room. Me and niall waited a while before starting to worry about Charlie. I got up and was about to start walking to the room when the doctor came out. He had a serious face on.  “Charlotte needs a lot of rest; I would say two of you take her to her parents. But you probably won’t go for that” the doctor said.

I looked at niall and he walked out of the room, to talk to the boys.  The boys came in. “If Charlie going to visit her parents will make her better, we’ll all go. It’ll give us a bad impression if only two of us go” zayn told us.

We nodded and the doctor nodded to us. “Well I have to go, oh and about her dreams (we all nodded) you just need to gain her trust again, she should be fine in a few days” the doctor told us before leaving.

We all looked at the room, which was occupied by Charlie. I walked over to the door and knocked. “Who is it” the soft voice of Charlie called. That I swear if I did not have vampire hearing then I would not of heard her.

“It’s Liam and the others can we come in, they won’t harm you I promise” I told her.

I heard a small sigh, the door opened and a sad looking Charlie came out. “Are you ok?” niall asked her.

She looked at him and nodded. “Yes I’m fine, I just wanna go home” she told us, she told us tears slipping out of her eyes.

I walked over and pulled her into a hug. “We know Charlie and we’re going to go for a visit, how does that sound?” I asked her.

She sniffed and nodded. I led her over to the couch. “Can I sit with Louis, he looks sad” she whispered in my ear. I nodded and she slowly walked over to Louis. I smiled and she cuddled into him.

He smiled down at her and hugged her tight. “So Charlie what’s your favourite thing about your home” he asked her.

She looked at him and smiled. “Home is where Sophia and Lauren is, (we looked at her confused) Lauren is my cousin she found her mate when I was 10. I miss her a lot but, I know she’s happy. My favourite thing about home, well that’s hard.  Home is a lot of things. Home is where you feel like you belong. Home is where you’re loved. Home is… happiness and safety. Home is family. Home can be described as so many things, there’s too many things to say what home is” charlotte told us looking thoughtful.

Harry looked at Charlie. “So you don’t know what home is?” he asked her.

She rolled her eyes. “Of course I do, home is what you feel home is. Home can be anything or anywhere” she told him.

He nodded and lay back on the couch. I looked at them all. “Go pack some clothes, we’re going to meet Charlie’s parents” I told them.

Louis put Charlie on the couch and ran to pack. “I have clothes at mums; so I don’t need to pack” she told me.

I nodded and I went to pack.

Charlie’s point of view

I was alone; I was left to my thoughts. I looked at my hands. I miss Lauren so much. Why did I have to be ill the day she got picked? I regret not saying goodbye. We used to do everything together. I bet she has a lot of new friends now. She was always popular, not like me. I didn’t have many friends but I had enough to know that I was wanted.

Someone clicked their fingers in front of my face. I looked up and saw zayn.  He gave me a sad smile. “Why are you crying” he asked me wiping a tear away.

I then noticed I was crying. I shook my head. “It was stupid” I told him softly.

He sighed. “Nothing is stupid Charlie, not when comes to you. Now tell me what’s wrong” he told me in a comforting voice.

“When my cousin Lauren found her mate, I was off ill, the last thing she told me was, ‘I’ll always be here for you Charlie. I’ll see you tomorrow” I never saw her again. My own cousin was gone and I never said goodbye. I feel like a terrible cousin, if I just hadn’t gotten ill. I would have been able to say goodbye” I told him bursting into tears.

Zayn sat me on his knee and hummed a tune in my ear, I didn’t recognise it but slowly I fell asleep.

The next day

When I woke up, I was in a car. I sat up and stretched. “What’s going on” I asked in a sleepy voice.

I looked up and saw the boys smiling at me but they were paler than normal. “Charlie please can we feed, we’re starving” Louis asked me.

I looked at my hands. I would be selfish if I didn’t. “Yeah sure” I told them.

Liam pulled the car over and climbed in the back with us. I had zayn and Liam on my neck (each side) and the other boys on my wrist and arms. They bit down all together and I bit my tongue so I didn’t scream. I started to feel light headed and I looked at zayn. He caught my eye and pulled away. The other boys nodded and pulled away. Zayn bit his wrist and held it to my mouth.

I drank a little and Liam started driving again. I yawned and cuddled into zayn. He put his arm around me and I dozed off.

my note

I finally posted, sorry it took so long,

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