bonding 2/5

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Hi sorry this chapter is late, my laptop with all of the chapters on broke and I can't access them, so I’ve had to right this from scratch. I’m going to try and update as much as possible to try and make up for the long wait.

Bonding part 2/5

Liam’s point of view

It’s was my turn to take Charlie on a date and I was so nervous, when Louis arrived back with Charlie, we thought something had happened. Then Louis explained that he had given her the soul mate mark and that she had met Kevin. I was shocked and a little worried. I was worried because now my vampire would try and break through the walls that I had built up, if my vampire did that I don’t think that I would be able to control him.

I would just have to try and keep him under control until the dates over…. Hopefully it would work.

I walked to Charlie’s room and knocked on the door, no one answered so I walked in and saw Charlie’s room empty.  “Charlie are you in here” I shouted slightly. I heard the bathroom door open and Charlie come out FULLY clothed. She shrieked when she saw me. “What are you doing in here Liam, what if I wasn’t dressed!” she shrieked.

I held my hands up in defence and then she burst out laughing, “You look like you’ve committed a crime” she told me whilst walked past me and then over to the door. I just shook my head at her and followed her before pulling a piece of cloth from my pocket. She looked at me wide eyed. “It’s just a blind fold, don’t worry, you can trust me” I told her softly. She rolled her eyes and slowly walked over to me. “Yes because that’s worked out so well before” she told me sarcastically.

I sighed and motioned for her to turn around. “It’s not like I intestinally hurt you, I just wanted what was best for you, that all we want for you, you know that right Charlie” I explained softly before finishing the fastening on the back of the blind fold. She shrugged and I led her to the large library in the castle, I knew she loved reading so I built her a library. “I understand that you’re trying to protect me but sometimes it can be very annoying” she told me.

I guess she was right but we were only trying to do what was best for her, I opened the large door and Charlie sniffed. “Do I smell books like really old books” she asked jumping up and down. I looked at her confused and slowly took off the blindfold. She looked around wide eyed and the smiled at me. “I built this for you, I know you like different types of books then what we keep stocked at the main one, so I called your brother and asked him what sort of books you liked, I found it slightly amusing that all of the books you liked revolve around vampires and myths” I told her.

Charlie looked at the floor blushing and I wrapped my arms around her waist. “I think it’s adorable” I told her. She giggled and ran off into the never ending isles. I sighed and felt something tugging at the side of my mind. I focused on it and quickly tried to close it, I was to slow and my vampire got out.

Colton (Liam’s vampire point of view)

I looked around for my mate but I couldn’t find her, I couldn’t even pick up her scent. I groaned and ran down the aisles until I found her gazing at some of the books in the very back. She didn’t turn around when I came up behind her. “Are these my family history books” she asked softly. I looked at them and then found myself nodding slightly. She sighed and quickly turned around to face me. “You’re not Liam are you?” she asked softly. I shook my head and she took a deep breath.

“It’s complicated, I’m Liam’s vampire side” I told her. She looked at me and then giggled before shaking her head. “That wasn’t very complicated was it” she asked me sarcastically. I shrugged and held my hand out for her to take. She slowly took it and I led her to the seats next to the fire place.

We sat in a comfortable silence and Charlie gazed into the fire, I just took in her face, her red hair was almost orange by the light of the fire. “You know what’s funny, (I gave her a confused look) how fire is one of the most beautiful things in the world but it’s painful to touch, it’s just so weird, who would of thought something so beautiful could be so deadly” she told me not taking her eyes off of the fire.

I reached out to touch her arm but nothing diverted her attention from the fire. “A rose is beautiful but deadly to, you know with the thorns and all of that” I told her. She brought her gaze up to mine and then nodded. “Everything beautiful is deadly” she stated.

I nodded and noticed the fire was dimming, time was running out, Liam would fight his way back soon. “Charlie can I give you the soul mate mark” I asked her. She looked at me shocked and then groaned. “Well that was a little blunt wasn’t it” she stated. I shrugged and she walked over to me. I placed her on my knee and then moved her hair out of the way, I bit down and let a little a bit of venom flow though the bite, she stiffened and then whimpered. I pulled away and let Liam take back over.

Liam’s point of view

I was relieved when Colton let me take back over, I looked down and Charlie’s neck and sighed Colton had given her the bite. She whimpered a little and I stroked her hair. “Ssh Charlie, it’ll be ok” I whispered to her. “Can you leave for a little I wanna be alone” she asked. I stood up and placed her on the chair, I gave her one last look before I left, knowing she needed her space.

I just hope I hadn’t lost her.

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