The truth and a letter

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The truth and a letter

Charlie’s point of view

Looking around my bedroom I sighed. The boys thought I was sleeping. But really I was thinking. A few weeks ago Marcus called harry a king. I might be over thinking things but if I ask, I won’t get into much trouble right? I groaned and buried my head in my pillow. There was a knock on the door; I ignored it hoping the person would go away.

But no the person just walked in, I know I sound stubborn but I want to be alone, I’m sick of being told ‘there’s nothing going on Charlie’, ‘don’t stress’ urg they infuriate me sometimes. “Charlie are you ok” zayn soft voice called out.

I sat up and looked at him and then I flopped back down on the bed completely ignoring him. I heard him sigh and walk out. I smiled to myself peace at last; I started to doze off into a small sleep when the door opened again. I ignored it and snuggled into my covers. I heard someone kneel beside my bed and try to pull my covers off me.

I groaned and rolled over. I heard someone laugh and someone else walk into the room. I heard them approach the bed as well. “Charlie get up, come on you need to eat. (I groaned and rolled over) Charlie up come on, if you don’t get up, I’m going to get the water” a voice told me.

I shot up and glared at the people, turns out it was harry and Louis. I growled at them and then looked at them shocked. They smiled at me and then Louis pulled me into a massive hug. “I can’t believe it, you’re first growl. You’re going to be a vampire before you know it and then you’ll be queen and we’ll all rule together forever” Louis told me smiling.

I looked at him shocked and harry hit Louis upside the head. Louis looked confused at harry for a moment and then finally understood what he said and slapped his hand over his mouth. I looked at them shocked and the other boys ran into the room. They all glared at Louis and looked at me. I was staring at them shocked. “What are you guys talking about?” I asked them kind of freaked out.

Liam sighed and sat next to me; I got up and moved away from them. Liam sighed. “Charlie please you need you need to sit down, (I shook my head) fine, well as you know there is a kingdom that rules the world. The vampires refer to them as the leaders. But human refer to them a royalty like the king or queen. Charlie we’re the royal family, we were going to wait until you understood but Louis blew the secret and we didn’t want to lose your trust in us” Liam told me.

I tried to process the information and everything started spinning. A few seconds later everything went black.

Niall’s point of view

Stupid Louis, why did he have to open his mouth? I caught Charlie as she blacked out; we all turned and glared at Louis. He shrugged innocently and Liam growled quiet loudly. Louis flinched and his smile faded. “Ok, ok I’m sorry but it just slipped out; any way she deserves the truth. Us being kings is a big part of our life, if we didn’t tell her then we would be classed as liars, we don’t want that type of relationship with Charlie. Well at least I don’t want that type of relationship” Louis explained to us.

We all looked from Charlie to Louis and back again. Zayn sighed and took Charlie off me; he then proceeded to lay her on her bed. “We see your point Louis, we were just waiting until she was ready and you just springing it (Zayn pointed at Charlie) well you see the damage done” zayn explained to Louis.

Louis nodded and sighed and we left the room, leaving Charlie with zayn. We walked to the front room and saw an envelope on the table, harry turned it over and gasped. He showed us the stamp. The stamp it’s self was an elegant mocking jay. Which mean the letter was from out council. Me being the normal one, took the letter from harry and opened it. I slowly pulled the letter out of the envelope and opened it.

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