new chapter

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Hey everyone sorry I haven’t updated in a while. But let me catch you up on what’s happened. At the beginning of March I came down with the flu. Then I got sent home the next week and got sent to the hospital all because I had sprained muscles in my chest. (Nice one megann). Then the day after that I fell down the stairs at school. Yep not a good month for Megann. How are all of you guys and sorry for not updating but this chapter should be nice and long as I am on my sisters new laptop and it’s amazing and doesn’t run slow like mine. This chapter is going to be full of memories from Charlie’s child hood. So it won’t be action it will be more of a getting to know you Charlie chapter. Well here it goes, I hope you enjoy it. This chapter took me a long time to write, so please enjoy and vote, oh and REVIEW.

Charlie’s point of view

It’s been a week since my dad died and I have just sat in the same corner of the room and done nothing. I just can’t bring myself to move, I know I should but I just feel empty. All I can think about is memories from when I was little and my dad was my hero. There is a memory from when I was little and I was at school. I think I was around 5.

Flash back.

3rd person

Charlie was stood at the gates waiting for one of her parents to come and collect her, when someone ran past and shoved her over. Charlie fell to the ground and tears pooled in her eyes. “Aww look little baby charlotte is going to cry like the baby she is” Anna mocked.

Anna didn’t like Charlie but Charlie didn’t know why she hadn’t done anything to Anna but Anna still didn’t like her. “Why did you push me” Charlie asked looking up at the girl.

Anna growled slightly and then smirked. “Because charlotte dogs belong on the floor and I thought you should know your place. My mummy told me that when I’m older I will be the queen of the world and when I do kiss goodbye to your family charlotte because you will never ever, ever see them again. I will have locked you in a dark cell and you will never see the light of day again” Anna growled flinging her arms around.

Charlie let the tears fall from her eyes and Anna walked away smiling. “Charlie are you ready to leave dad’s waiting for us. What’s wrong why are you crying? I’ll go get dad you just wait their” martin shouted before running over to where the parents were waiting.

He returned a few minutes later with his dad. “Hey little flower what’s wrong, why is my little flower weeping” the tall man cooed to his daughter.

The small girl flung herself into her father’s arm and started sobbing. She didn’t want to lose her daddy or her mummy. But with her being little she always looked up to her dad. “Please don’t leave me” she begged.

The man looked at her shocked and pulled her closer, picking her up he walked her out of the school gates and to the car. He placed Charlie down and strapped her into her car seat. “Charlie why would you ever think I was going to leave you” Jeff asked his small daughter.

She looked down at her hands and played with them nervously. “Anna told me that she was going to be queen and take you away from me and trap me in a dark cell. Daddy I don’t wanna be locked in a dark cell. That’s where the monsters are” Charlie cried.

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