Chapter 3.

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(Megan doesn't look like that lady in the media that's just what her hair was like except longer and straighter )

I woke up by the sun beaming through my blinds, lighting my whole room up. I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter, nothing new.

After 15 minutes of scrolling through social media I put my phone down and got out of bed. I'm starting my new school today and to be honest I'm not looking forward to it. New people to impress, new teachers to get annoyed by.

When I got out my shower I put on my makeup and got changed. Like always o had my black tight skirt on, white shirt, tie and my cardigan with only the top button done up. I straightened my hair, left it down, done a side parting and tucked a section of my hair behind my ear.

I walked out my room and down stairs to the kitchen where my mum was sat with a cup of tea.

"Morning" I said grabbing a piece of toast from the freshly made pile.

"Morning Megs, good sleep?" She asked. I nodded with my mouth full of toast.

"Megan you coming now?" Josh shouted from the front door. "Yeah just coming" I shouted back swallowing my food and heading for the front door.


Me and Josh stepped out his car and headed for the office, we were suppose to get there an hour before so that the headteacher could show us around.

"Megan don't look so scared" Josh nudged me as we sat waiting for the headteacher to come get us.

"I'm not scared, just nervous" I giggled.

"Josh and Megan Bradley?" A tall man stepped out an office and stood in front of us, we nodded in agreement and stood up.

He showed us around the school, Josh used to come to this school when we used to live here but I was still in Year 7 so I've never been. It was a big school and it looked very modern.

We where almost finished the 'tour' when the bell went for everyone else to go to class. We were escorted back to the office.


"Okay Megan right now your in R.E so I'll take you across to your new class and teacher"  Mrs Munro said (the deputy head). I smiled and followed her.

We came to a class and she opened the door, "Hi Mr Connel this is Megan Bradley she's new to the school" I smiled at the teacher and he escorted me into his class.

"Okay class this is Megan, she's new to the school and she'll be joining our RE class" I stood in front of the Class as he introduced me.

I scanned the room, there were 6 tables and I noticed that the only tables with a spare seat was one with only boys and one with a group of girls. Then I noticed Simon, my next door neighbour sat at the boys table. We caught eyes and I smiled at him but he never smiled back.

"Megan you can sit here with the girls" I smiled at one of the girls and she smiled back as I sat down.

"Hi I'm Cara" the girl next to me said. She had blonde hair, light blue eyes and she was really pretty. "Hi I'm Megan" I smiled back at her.

Throughout the period in R.E Cara talked to me and told me about all the friend groups in our year. Who to stay away from, who's nice, the populars and unpopulars.

I didn't want to judge anyone on someone else's word because I'm not like that. I also found out that Simon was one of the popular guys and he was in a group called "The Sidemen" apparently all the girls fancy him but he's single.

When the bell rang Cara took me to my next class, she was being really nice to me and I liked that.

"What have you got next?" Cara asked looking at my timetable, "English, Mrs Heather?" I said unsure if I was correct. "Yeah, I'm not in her class but when the bell goes I'll wait for you. Yeah?" Cara made me smile. "Yeah please" I smiled and entered my English class.

"Ahhh, you must be Megan you can go take a seat up the back with Simon" when she said that I saw Simon roll his eyes. It made me confused because yesterday when he came to my house he was so sweet, I don't know why he's being like this.

I timidly walked up the back and sat next to Simon. The whole lesson he ignored me or he would occasionally whisper to his friends, look at me and smile snidely.


When the bell rang for lunch everyone packed up, like Cara had promised she was stood outside my English class waiting for me. "So how do you like it so far?" She asked. "Yeah it's really nice, I like it here" I smiled back at her.

"You can sit with me and my friends for lunch if you want" Cara offered, I couldn't say no so I agreed.

During lunch I was getting to know the other girls at the table, they all seemed really nice and I was happy.

I scanned the hall looking for Josh when I saw him sitting at the table with Simon and his friends. I caught eyes with him and smiled, he mouthed the words "You Okay?" To which I smiled and nodded.


Before I knew it, it was the end of the day and I was sitting in Josh's car again. "How was your day?" He asked starting the car.

"Yeah good!" I said texting my Scottish friends on my phone. "All the guys in my class think your fit" I looked up from my phone. "What?" I said kind of confused. "Yeah they all think your pretty.... I went all 'protective brother' so there's no need to worry" he laughed as we drove away from school.

"Josh! How was your first day back at school?" My mum said over excitedly grabbing Josh's cheeks.

"It was fine mum, not as bad as I thought" Josh said.

"Megan how was your day?" She asked cleaning the dishes.
"Good I suppose" I giggled grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and walking up the stairs to my room.

When I walked in my room I looked out the window and saw Simon in his room without a top on, I looked away instantly because I felt like a pervert but it reminded me to make sure I close my blinds when I get changed.

I'm still confused as to why Simon acted so weird in school today maybe he just doesn't want to be nice to me around his school friends? I didn't think much of it for the rest of the night but it was still there.
Hiya!! How you liking it so far, I have an idea for this story which also kind of involves a sequel kind of thing but I'm not sure if I will make it that idea or not ://// anyway how are you today? Great I hope :)) remember all votes and comments are welcome (especially comments) ;)) I've also decided that I'll post at least once a week on not a particular day or more than once a week x

Thanks for reading

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