Chapter 10.

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Megan's POV

It's 1 o'clock and me and Simon are going out at 1:30. I think we are going on a walk which I am totally fine with because I like being outside and it's sunny today so that's a plus.

I have been ready for the past hour I was wearing my black ripped jeans, grey baseball top and my white converse. It was sunny enough outside to not bother with a jacket.

"Megan I'm going to work now!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Okay, can you leave me a key because I think I'm going out with Simon," I shouted back down.

"Yeah, I've left it on the table," she replied and I heard the door shut.

Moments after my mum had left there was a knock at my door, I presumed it was Simon. I checked myself out in the mirror once more quickly before jogging down the stairs.

I opened the door and Simon smiled. "Hi, you ready to go?" Simon asked.

"Yep, two seconds I just need to get a key," I left the door open and ran through to the kitchen before grabbing the key and heading back towards Simon.

I stepped out the house and locked it after I had made sure I had everything Phone, Money etc and we made our way out of our street.

"Here we can go this way, it's a secret path that leads to like a big field," Simon ducked through a fence and held his hand out for me too take and follow his lead so I did.

"I'm not really used to this place yet," I faced him, shading my eyes because the sun was shining in them.

"You'll get used to it pretty soon, it's not that confusing," he smiled also looking at me.

We where now walking through the field that I guessed Simon was talking about earlier. "How do you know about this place?" I asked admiring the peacefulness of it.

"Me, JJ, Vikk and Harry used to come here a lot." He explained.


Me and Simon were having a great time, he didn't make things awkward at all.

I was half way through a sentence when he started to chase me, catching me off guards.

I giggled as I tried to run away from him but he was to fast for me and he eventually caught up with me, which then lead to me chasing him. After I had been chasing him for 5 minutes I pretended I had hurt myself.

"Ow!" I shouted and sat on the ground holding my foot facing away from Simon trying my hardest not to laugh. Simon turned to face me and ran up to me.

"Megan are you okay?" He panicked.

"I just really hurt my foot," I tried to whimper.

"Do you want me to take you back home?" Simon was sat on the ground with me now, I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore and I started to smirk.

"You're a fucking bitch," he stood up and smiled whilst I was on my back laughing at how gullible he was.

"...You actually thought.... I was hurt..." I laughed in between words.

"Megan I'll get you back at some point," He shook his head.

I still stayed lying on the floor looking up at the Simon before lifting my head and holding my hand out gesturing for Simon to help me up. He took my hand and as he was about to help me up I pulled him onto the floor with me.

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