Chapter 13.

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Simons POV

Me and Megan walked home together, she was coming back to mine after she had went home and got changed because it's Friday and both our parents were working so we thought we'd keep each other company.

Megan had went through to her house to go get changed while I also got changed into my black adidas joggers and my white sdmn top with SDMN printed in black across the front. Megan says she loves it when I wear these joggers that why I try and wear them as much as I can around her.

Megan's POV

I quickly ran upstairs to my room pulled on a pair of black leggings, my grey Nike hoodie and put my white converse on before putting my school clothes in the wash and grabbing my school bag, running back through to Simons house.

"What are we going to do?" I asked as we made our way through to the kitchen, being greeted by Herbie, Simons dog. She jumped up putting her front legs on my stomach as I tried holding her up, rubbing her head.

"Hello Herbie," I said in an annoying dog voice that I'm pretty sure everyone does. She eventually put her paws done and she went into the kitchen looking for Simon.

"Wow, you give the dog more attention than me." Simon said while getting himself a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Are you being serious?" I asked, amazed at wither or not he was being serious.

"Deadly serious," he faced me as he leaned against the worktop.

"Simon you can't genuinely be jealous of your own dog, that's a bit pathetic don't you think?" I laughed, still bewildered that he was being serious right now.

"Well Megan you like never pay any attention to me anymore, there's always something else getting your attention, like school work or Cara and Nicole," He said scrolling through his phone.

"Oh okay, sorry Simon that I care about my education and friends. Not everything is about you." I rolled my eyes.

We were both still a bit awkward as we didn't say anything to each other when we made our way upstairs. Simon put on Stranger Things, on his Netflix and we both sat on his bed in an awkward silence watching the show.

I couldn't help but go over the argument in my head, maybe I didn't pay enough attention to him. I mean I do spend a lot of time with Cara and Nicole. I slowly but surely started to feel bad for Simon. I know he has had trouble in the past with relationships and I do really like him and I know what he's like, he won't let anyone treat him like a fool. Even if they aren't.

"Si? Don't be annoyed anymore pleaseeee," I prolonged the 'E'.

"I hate it when we argue like this," I looked up at his face, the only light in the room being the TV screen. He still had a blank expression.

"Siiiiiimonnnnn," I pleaded with a smile, but Simon was being stubborn.

"You know what fine then, you can fuck right off." I said getting out from under the covers and making my way out his room, I could see Simon wanting to stop me but again, being to stubborn to do so.

I walked out his room and hid by his bedroom door where he couldn't see me.

"Megs!" He shouted, I didn't say anything back so that he thought I was really leaving, I heard russling from his room and could tell he was getting out of bed.

When I heard his door open and him walk out I jumped out on him and shouted 'boo'. The sheer terror on his face was the best, he looked at me for a second slightly bent over his hands on his knees.

"Omg Megan you can't do that!" He heavily breathed. I jumped and wrapped my arms around his body while he stood up straight, also wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I probably don't spent enough time with you," I looked up at him while we were still wrapped in each other's arms.

"No, you couldn't spend anymore time with me if you tried," he smiled and looked down at my lips, hinting that he wanted to kiss me. I looked up at him and leaned in. We were stood at the top hall way of Simons house kissing, as long as his family never walked in, we would be okay.

"We friends again?" I smirked, breaking the kiss.

"Suppose so," he grinned and we went back into his bed to carry on watching Netflix, however this time o sat in his bed doing homework instead.

Simons POV

A couple hours had passed since Megan and I had made up and she was asleep, her head rested on my stomach, it was only 7pm and she was already asleep. She must have been really tired. Herbie came into my room and jumped up on the bed causing Megan to wake up. The first thing she done was smile and giggle as Herbie licked her hand. She eventually brought herself to sit up next to me in bed.

"What can we do, in kinda bored" Megan looked up at me.

"We can go make food because I am hungry!" I suggested hoping she'd say yes. Her head quickly turned to face me and she smiled.

"Okay lets go!" I replied, we both got out of bed and jogged down stairs to the kitchen to make food.


We ended up making pasta and tomato sauce and by the time we had made it and ate it, it was 9pm and I could tell Megan looked tired.

"Megan you look tired," I said running my hand through her hair.

"I am," she yawned, with a smile still spread across her face.

"Maybe you should go back home now," I smiled back at her, not wanting her to leave but knowing that she was tired.

"Maybe you should come back with me and keep me company all night," she suggested.
"-my mums on a business trip till tomorrow evening and Josh is staying at Chloe's, do you really want me in the house alone?" She pouted.

"What about my mum Megan?" I asked, remembering she would be home very soon with my dad.

"Tell her yous re staying with Josh and tell her I was at Kaitlins, Josh will cover for you and Kaitlin will cover for me," she smiled. To be honest I could tell Megan didn't want to do anything sexual, I think she genuinely just wanted company.

"Fine but we'll need to go over to yours now because my mum will be back soon," I replied.

I got some of my stuff and we went through to hers, it was great living next door to Megan. I texted my mum telling her I was staying with josh and she replied straight away with 'okay, have fun x'

Me and Megan got ready for bed and got in under the covers, this is the second time I will have stayed over with Megan but the first time we were both drunk so it doesn't really count.

"Megan how is your bed so comfy?" I asked as I scrolled through my twitter feed.

"Dunno, just is." She smiled. I love her smile.
Short-ish chapter to keep you all going. I know this story is inconsistent, it annoys me too :(( I love it when people comment on this fanfic because I actually really do love this one  the most and people saying plz update motivates me, so thank you :))

Thanks for reading

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