Chapter 11.

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I think that I said that in the last chapter it was a Sunday, if I did ignore that it's a Sunday now 😂

Megan's POV

I woke up naturally by the birds chirping outside my window and the morning sun beaming through my blinds.

I was in a good mood so I got out of bed quickly and made it before going to the bathroom and getting ready. I had a shower, washed my hair, done my makeup and got changed into my black skinny jeans and plain grey V-neck tshirt with a pocket.

Whilst getting myself a bottle of water from the fridge I saw a note from my mum sitting on the kitchen island.

Have to go into work today last minute, there is a £10 note in your room on your desk for you. I'll be back quite late so remember you have school tomorrow no staying up late and partying. I asked Loraine to check on you every so often so if the door goes it's probably her.
Love you lots & see you tonight, Mum xx

I sighed as I read the note, that's all she ever does is work and because Josh isn't in I feel so alone in the house, some people would enjoy that but it gets boring after a while especially when the weathers rubbish and your friends don't want to go out either.


Simons POV

"Simon come do me a favour," My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Pause the game, my mum wants me." I took off my headset and pressed pause on my controller.

"Megan's mum is at work today and I boufht her some cakes earlier, can you go next door and keep her company?" My mum suggested.

"Mum that's a bit weird, me showing up with cakes and inviting myself in," I said, wanting to spend time with her but not wanting to just force my way in.

"Well you don't need to spend time with her just drop these off," She argued.

"Okay," I ran back up to my room and said bye to the guys, they were all annoyed that I was leaving them for Megan but I don't care.

I pulled my shoes on and checked myself in the mirror once more before turning my light off and running down the stairs to my mum in the kitchen.

"Here you go," she handed over the tin of shop bought cupcakes.

"Mum this is embarrassing!" I moaned.

"Simon, it's only embarrassing because you like her," my mum teased. I felt my cheeks go red.

"WHAT?" I defended myself.

She pinched my cheek, "Simon come on don't try deny it, there's nothing wrong with liking her. I think she's very pretty and extremely nice! She'd be a good girlfriend," She winked and nudged me.

"Right okay mum," I said, letting her think she had won.

I made my way down the path to my house and up hers with the tin in my hands. I checked my hands weren't sweaty before knocking the door.

I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs and saw a figure walk towards the door through the foggy glass in the front door. Megan opened it with a smile on her face.

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