Chapter 8.

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Sunday Morning

Megan's POV

I woke up in an unusual surrounding. I sat up to quickly which lead to my head thumping making me lie back down.

I looked down at myself and realised I only had my bra on and my jeans then I had a small recollection of last night. I whipped my head around to see Simon in bed with me but he was asleep. He looked so peaceful, it made me smile.

I put my top back on and I got my bag from Kaitlin's room. I made my way to the toilet so I could freshen up a bit. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a pony tail before heading downstairs.

Each step I took made me feel even more sick and made my head thump that little bit harder. I slowly walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, also seeing a box of paracetamol and taking two.

I dragged my feet into the living room where everyone else was, some of them still asleep some awake.

"Morning," I groaned as I opened the window slightly to let some fresh air in.

Vikk, Cara, Chloe and Josh looked at me and they all looked as ill as I did and I lightly laughed. I took a seat next to Cara on the couch. I pulled my legs up too my chest, wrapped one arm around my legs and balanced my glass of water on my knee, steadying it with my free hand.

"Never again," Vikk moaned holding his stomach.


Everyone was now awake and feeling rough but my paracetamol had kicked in and because I had been drinking water the sick feeling was also almost gone, so I was fine.

"Did anything bad happen last night?" JJ asked the 10 of us sitting in the living room. Simon, Harry and Kaitlin were still upstairs.

"Nope nothing bad, I don't think," Josh answered.

"Anything good?" JJ raised his eyebrows at me making me shoot him a confused look.

"Kaitlin and Harry were at it upstairs!" Ethan said with a big grin on his face changing the topic of me that I was hoping JJ was t going to bring up.

"So was someone else," I whipped my head to Nicole who was sat smirking at me. I gave her pleading eyes, begging her not to say in front of my brother

"Who?" Everyone asked now intrigued, Nicole just smiled, "I can't tell you,"

I stood up from the couch and stretched, my head still hurt a little when I stood up but it wore off a couple seconds later. I opened the blinds letting some sunlight in and opened the window further.

"Why did you open the blinds?" Tobi moaned covering his eyes.

"Because you are all so dull," I joked leaving them open.

"Megan you must be able to handle alcohol so well" me and Josh laughed at JJ's comment because we both know that I can't.

"No JJ I can't, I've just been drinking water and I took a paracetamol," I smiled walking out the living room to get more water.

I walked into the kitchen to find Harry with his head on the table. "What's wrong? Everyone else is through there" I pointed in the living room direction.

"My heads bouncing," Harry said, by this point I had took a seat next to him and I was cuddled into him, in a friendly way.

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