Chapter 5.

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It's my second week now in this school and it's finally died down that I'm the new girl because last week and the start of this week everyone was so interested in me but now I've found my friend group and I'm not the centre of attention.

Also Simon has still been kinda rude to me, he doesn't talk to me in class, talks about me but not to me. I guess I'll need to accept his reputation is important.


"Hey Megan will you come to the toilet with us?" Cara and Nicole asked as I sat on my phone at lunch, I nodded with agreement and we walked to the toilet.

"I know someone who's liking you" They both teased me as we walked into the empty toilet. Cara and Nicole are my best friends in school, we all get along so well.

"You're lying, no ones liking me" I giggled thinking it was a lie but secretly hoping that someone actually liked me.

"I'm being serious, Nicole so someone's liking Megan" Cara asked Nicole who was topping her makeup up in the mirror.

"Yeah, he's really hot" she smirked raising her eyebrows. I stood with one hand on my hip.

"Okay then, who likes me?" I sighed still not believing them.

"Simon Minter, he's the popular guy that your brother sits with" Cara explained obviously un-aware that I knew who he was.

"No he doesn't, you guys are teasing" I said walking to the mirror to fix my hair.

"No seriously Megan he likes you that's why he's a bit of a dick to you. Everyone in the year knows about him liking you but he is a bit of a fuck boy" Nicole chirped in.

"Okay you guys, whatever you say. Wait he's a fuck boy?" I sighed as we all walked out the toilet. "Megan you don't believe us, sneak a look at Simon when we walk past his table and yes he's a bit of a fuck boy." Cara said.

Curious, I done what Cara suggested and sneakily looked at him. It was nothing out of the ordinary. Okay he was looking at me but that could be coincidence.

"Okay he was looking at me, that could be a coincidence." I rolled my eyes as we sat down at our table again.

"Coincidence? Or lovvvvve" Nicole dragged out the 'V'. We all laughed.

Simons POV

I watched as Megan walked down the lunch hall to her table, we caught eyes for a split second but she broke the contact.

"Simon" Vikk nudged me, "What?" I whipped my head round, they all started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I smiled.

"You obviously like Megan." Jj said. I smirked, we tell each other everything as friends.

"You know what they say, treat em mean keep em keen" Ethan laughed.

"So your saying be mean to her and she'll like me?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"I've been being mean and I feel really bad" I laughed.

"You've been being mean to my sister" Josh butted in making us all laugh. He knew I liked Megan but he didn't really care.

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